Changing from hydro to soil


Well-Known Member

I have a Bloombox and running hydro. It's extremely noisy, it's difficult to manipulate the tubs some days, blah, blah, blah. So I want to switch over to soil and was wondering how I might go about that? Is there anything special I will need? Will probably hand water. Suggestions for containers? How many? Size? Medium..I already have some coco coir that I really like.

I was sort of thinking that I could fit/grow 6 pots in the flower chamber that would normally flower 9 plants. Can I use the same nutrients? Just follow directions.

Thanks in advance...I know I'll get good advice here!


well do your research and only buy stuff one time i would read a good book and inform yourself these forums can be full of good info but it seems that in order to know the shite from the gems you have to already have a pretty decent understanding of what you are researching good books can be found everywhere and lots of e-books floating about not going to advertise stealing but if your so inclined im sure it is available that route. that being said i hate when people post only to criticize without staying on topic so aside from reading a good book or a few select high times editions, also giving advice blindly not knowing room dimensions, how much you want to spend, what you want yield or quality or mix, .. so on.
either way IMO smart pots - whichever size you want bigger = better root system = better everything above soil, organic as you can, get a good light dont try and piece together but again without knowing if heat is an issue its hard to say but 6 big indoor 1000w hps imo, think about heat before hand either a/c good ventilation or dont make it. there are a thousand things i could write but i guess there is a start so i stayed on topic for ya. hope it helps really just read something you'll thank yourself later. also the more specific you are with a question the better this forum works ive noticed.
take care good luck happy growing
btw i also switched from hydro to soil 2-3 yrs ago never would think about going back so your already improving your game imo... may get flamed for that haha