Changing from Hydro to Dirt (for mothers only)

I have decided to change my mothers to dirt after first and second generation hydro clones. I am getting some immeadiate curling and lightening of color. Any suggestions. No nutes at this point.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Hum, I never tried that. I would assume they will go into shock, water them real good, maybe add some b1 or super thrive.


Well-Known Member
Hum, I never tried that. I would assume they will go into shock, water them real good, maybe add some b1 or super thrive.
Cruser101 is correct, everytime I tranplant I use B=1 or Superthrive (Becareful read the directions regards to application the superthrive is very strong) I just transplanted some mom's from soilless med. into real soil, so I didn't have to water so much. Also, yes make sure you do water them well with the superthrive. The next watering I use compost tea (I brew my own, got a bountea brew kit... Plants love the tea at all stages! I swear by it! Ive got mother plants that had for years... some r 8ft. tall. Peace & Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
In soil its not as important because the soil acts like a buffer, If you can ph to like 6.5 it couldnt hurt.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I PH @ 6.3... keep us posted. Mother plants r alot of work...Keeping them healthly is a daily chore. I went to a local medical marijuana seminar a few years back and Ed Rosenthal was speaking...He had some great information on mothers & keeping them Healthly. He has some great books that have helped me through the years. "Marijuana Garden Saver" ( is a handy one to have right next to, Medical Marijuana Grower's Bible.