Changes at Timber Grow Lights

It really comes down to die size as well. For instance Nichia has 2 different 2 die 3030 V1 leds. The NF2 and NT2 series. Both use 2 dies in series the NF2 using larger dies than the NT2. The VF will be lower on the NF2 and power handling is also higher as well. NF2 can be slightly more efficient as power levels go up. Hopefully in the future the die size will be an available piece of data{very helpful).

Any response on my emerson-initiator question earlier?
Have you ever heard of aquaponics? Probably not. It's a good place to start learning about microbial activity in suspension and symbiosis. Also about nutrient suspension in water.

Likewise, you've probably never made your own fish emulsion. Nor grown with organic teas made with liquified worm castings and guano. But even if you have never made your own - or don't know how - there are plenty of certified organic nutrients on the market that are exactly that: liquified organic nutrients and microbes in suspension.

Perhaps it's the "hydroponic" part you don't understand. You do realise that most forms of hydroponics use media and that, even where they don't (DWC and aeropinics for example) the oxygenated root zone has its own rhizosphere harbouring the same microbial colonies found in soil-grown plants.

So no, I don't consider it "semi-organic". Just as I don't consider you really understand what you're talking about when you refer to "living organisms in the soil breaking down organic materials". You don't need soil to do that. In fact, soil is largely made up of sand - an inert material that simply provides a stable structure to hold roots. And how do you think those same nutrients broken down by microbial activity are transported into the plant? Suspended in water, through epidermal root hairs with the help of mycorrhizal fungi, if present.
Yes i know what aquaponics is and it's for growing leafy greens as it has MUCH too much nitrogen in the water for flowering plants unless you like nitrogen don't know shit about organic growing you really need to read up on the soil food web before spouting off at the mouth. Everything your talking about is semi organic or not organic bottled nutrients that have organic labels are not really organic gardening , i'd suggest teaming with microbes and a book about KNF, you have a lot to learn if you think bottles in hydro has anything to do with organic gardening.

I have my own worm farm and make plenty of ferments, ya know the things you can't use in a hydroponic system. Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups.

And why the fuck would use puchase liquidifed ewc when you can get your own for free from a worm farm and make teas from it, liquifed shit has preservatives that are mostly inorganic. Obviously you are a mouthy lil fuck that don't know shit about organic gardening or you wouldn't have said half the shit you said.

Good luck growing proper cover crops and companion crops in a hydro system chump. You don't know the first thing about organic when you are saying hydro organic is the same. Bet you don't know anything about BRIX .

Living soil is the key to the best quality and flavor profile, bottled nutrients won't compete with a proper water only living soil , i wouldn't waste my time and money with those bottles when i can make what they have in them fresh without preservatives and in the portions and ratios my plants require, not some premade trash that's generalized for all plants and not even organic.

And from what you said you think soil is made up of sand(which is a silica material and silica gives hardy stems), you must have a super special brain because 99% of soil mixes used for organic growing are made up of peat moss which is broken down organic materials nothing at all to do with sand. Dumb as shit.

I'd start with this website, it's broken down in simple talk for idiots like you
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I have nothing to learn from you.
Back at you bitch, you have nothing to provide you don't even know what aquaponics are used for you dumb shit; you think you can grow weed in aquaponics sucessfully? Fuck you are a dumb shit . You don't even know aquaponics are one of the worst setups for anything flowering , talking out your own dumb ass. Fish shit is nearly pure nitrogen, try growing anything that's not lettuce or spinach in that system it will fail. My step dad has a big aquaponics setup i helped him build about 5 years ago, full of tilapia and growing spinach in it. Stupid fuck speaks of shit he has no experience in tries to tell someone else what they know .

Bet the next thing your gonna say is kyle kushman vegamatrix LOLOLOLOL you are a fucking joke.
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lovely looking aquaponic buds. shame theyre not led.

yodatroll needs banning.
that thread shows aquaponics doesnt work, dude failed completely then went to hydroponics with hydroton rocks ...did you even read that thread?
"Last season was a disaster. whiteflies took over the coco grow. inadequate filtering and nutrient precipitation fouled the roots on the aquaponic side and i my plants prematurely died a few weeks early. "

You should be banned you never contribute shit and just troll all the time.
Thanks bud!

Yep, they both do the job, as do others, depending on pocketbook and grower skills.

Nice to see you over here, in the mosh pit. How’s your jungle coming?

That clip reminds me of some of these guys talking about cobs vs boards vs strips lol.
I have learned not to get too involved on this site. There is a ton on great info if you search but it’s also easy to get yourself dragged into some bullshit lol.
Jungle is coming along. Not much different than the last pics I shared. I think stretch is pretty much over so that’s a great thing!
@Yodaweed pahaha, you said you cant do it but you can. You're ALWAYS WRONG and everyone knows it. does it annoy you or do you actually get off on being humiliated all the time? be honest

You should be banned you never contribute shit and just troll all the time.
hilarious. please get some help, you weird af little bastard

@Prawn Connery i dunno why i bother wasting any oxygen on her to be honest. ah well!
@Yodaweed pahaha, you said you cant do it but you can. You're ALWAYS WRONG and everyone knows it. does it annoy you or do you actually get off on being humiliated all the time? be honest

hilarious. please get some help, you weird af little bastard

@Prawn Connery i dunno why i bother wasting any oxygen on her to be honest. ah well!
Yodaweed fancies himself an authority on all things, and he has a very bad habit of trying (and failing) to prove that. On a scale of 1 to 10, his self-awareness probably measures in at around -11...

...Or the whole thing is an act and he's actually pulling off some kind of long-game troll. I'm more inclined to go with the first explanation though.
if only there was a company that created 301b powered lights with excellent spread and adequate wattage, for the best price....
I have nothing to learn from you.

You'll get used to him or put Yoda on ignore like most in this sub-forum. ..

I have a good story==when he came into this section 7 yrs ago, first thing he did was post a pic of my Hans led grow. He called the plants/ buds pathetic and I should be embarrassed for putting it on the internet!......i was thinking wtf is wrong with this kid? The led panel only consumed 56 watts , what did he expect?

Little did I know he would provide years of "entertainment" for us...... he is a special member of the community.

# killhimwithkindness
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