ChaCha. The way to get easy bud money. (this is not spam)


Well-Known Member
when I Read Your Post It Pisses Me Off To No End,people Like Me Never Really Stop To Think About Minimum Wage Earners,i Dont Understand How & The Hell Anybody Can Survive At Those Wages,what Pisses Me Off Is That Somebody Is Getting Rich As Hell By Paying Those Wages.

I Pay My Starting Employees Hired Right Off The Street Over Twice That Much,with Paid Insurance Benefits & $2 Worth Of Raises Every Year Till They Max Out At Just Under $30 An Hour After 4 Years.

Minimum Wage Is Bullshit.


Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
I pay my guys what they ARE WORTH .. my top guy makes Upwards of $150k a year with bonus's and all the way down the chain , the low man on the pole . he get $17.50 an hr .... Hey If you , or anyone else are happy working fast food lines then my hat is off to you .. Those jobs are "Geared " to be High school kids jobs .. If you do what is right in life , go to school learn a trade then the sky is the limit ... Me I dont think Im kigh and mighty at all... Warren Buffett , Bill Gates they are high and Mighty,,, I went out and GOT WHATS MINE... I busted my ass working for $7 an hr humping roofing and cleaning up Back in 1982 ,,, so I would not even consider working for that kind of wage .... If you WANT something go get it ..If you wanna make .20 for working on a website .. GO DO IT .. I still think its a scam.. Have a great day .. Oh can I get a #1 with cheese and a coke ..
would u like some pickles on that too?


Well-Known Member
The point doesnt change that 2/3 of america isnt making $17.50 an hour...

let alone have a salary over 30k a year (ave $14 an hour/45 hour weeks)

Im glad you are a decent employer and I am sure than most all here would be happy to work for a good guy like yourself.

But the fact is that min wage is bullshit, and sitting there saying to someone that an extra $50 a day couldnt help them is bullshit... or saying that there hard ass earned pay is equivilent to slave pay is pretty insulting even if it is the truth....


Well-Known Member
The point doesnt change that 2/3 of america isnt making $17.50 an hour...

let alone have a salary over 30k a year (ave $14 an hour/45 hour weeks)

Im glad you are a decent employer and I am sure than most all here would be happy to work for a good guy like yourself.

But the fact is that min wage is bullshit, and sitting there saying to someone that an extra $50 a day couldnt help them is bullshit... or saying that there hard ass earned pay is equivilent to slave pay is pretty insulting even if it is the truth....

I cant help America , I put ad's in the paper when I need help. out of 300 replys 30 might show up , out of the 30. 10 might be able to handle the job and or workload Out of the 10 . 4 might not have any "drama" (parole , nasty ex. child support garnishments, Dui ) In the end out of the 4 you have to pick 1. thats what you get .. OR you can get a guy for $7.00 an hr to remodel a 2.5 million dollar house ..What skills are they bringing to the table .. You have to learn.... Im not a teacher , Im a producer..I produce a finished product . Most times .On time and on budget(fucking gas is killing me) It aint my fault that most people rather sit at home and watch jerry springer than GO TO WORK.. it aint my fault that min wage is what it is .. write your congressman... Im just doing what I know how to do .. and it just so happens to pay well....... Does a burger come with that shake ?
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Well-Known Member
I completely agree with everything you said....

It not like you can help all of america, but then again everybody who earns $7 an hour doesnt mean they are jerry springer junkies and lazy people...

It is true that many people dont strive hard to excel in life, or constantly be looking for a higher path. Many do just get stuck in the job the are in because its easy to not look for something better.

I worked my ass off to get where I am making 57k and I was always looking for something better.

I went through a period of like 8 jobs in one month I think, just cause something better kept coming along....

All without college and Im only 22 too. I think Im doing okey dokey...


Well-Known Member
When i read your post it pisses me off to no end,people like me never really stop to think about minimum wage earners,i dont understand how & the hell anybody can survive at those wages,what pisses me off is that somebody is getting rich as hell by paying those wages.

I pay my starting employees hired right off the street over twice that much,with paid insurance benefits & $2 worth of raises every year till they max out at just under $30 an hour after 4 years.

Minimum wage is bullshit.
Damn panhead.....Where you live? I got 4 kids to take care of and top out pay here in arkansas after 4 yrs is only like $15 hour. I need to move and work for you. lol


Well-Known Member
i never worked in the fast food chains..i always worked for my father since i was 17.. and i was making 300 dollars a i am even making more..and im only 19..and i dont knoe how getting min wage feels like.. but im with you on that ganjagoddess min wage must suck...cant get anythin wit dat..


Well-Known Member
I make money sitting on my ass anyway ..I own my own company .. I have 7 employee's who make my paper... so your $83 .. wont even fill one of my trucks with gas ..... But good luck to you .. Your a BALLER now ... I'd spend the money getting spinning hubcaps at K- mart ...
you must be a contractor........:mrgreen:


Active Member
I love the amount of shit this guy has gotten for something so small.

Not defending anyone. It's just comical to me. I don't want an angry mob after me next.


Well-Known Member
Hey I signed up for it, to prove or disprove it.

I have the coolest job in the world and get to sit around almost all day, thought why not try it!

I woulda put his name but it wanted a e-mail address, and he didnt provide that...


Well-Known Member about 35-50 a day in gas right now....75-80 if im making material runs or going on bids.....

yea its tough ... I got smart and 2 yrs ago bought a few used trailers, put all the tools and equipt. in them . hook 1 it to the dump Another to a pick - up and leave them at the jobs , all my guys are driving 4 bangers now they sold off their big dodge trucks for little hyundai's gas hurts everyone. And its gotta be killing those who cant afford it ..


Well-Known Member
yea its tough ... I got smart and 2 yrs ago bought a few used trailers, put all the tools and equipt. in them . hook 1 it to the dump Another to a pick - up and leave them at the jobs , all my guys are driving 4 bangers now they sold off their big dodge trucks for little hyundai's gas hurts everyone. And its gotta be killing those who cant afford it ..
ive been looking into an enclosed trailer to just drop at the job...i hate having to load and unload the truck all the time....


Well-Known Member
When i read your post it pisses me off to no end,people like me never really stop to think about minimum wage earners,i dont understand how & the hell anybody can survive at those wages,what pisses me off is that somebody is getting rich as hell by paying those wages.

I pay my starting employees hired right off the street over twice that much,with paid insurance benefits & $2 worth of raises every year till they max out at just under $30 an hour after 4 years.

Minimum wage is bullshit.

People do survive on minimal wages and bringing up x amount of children.

They just don't buy the shit they don't need and instead of getting expensive food they buy shit food..

The great thing is i know a lot of people who buy shit food, yet they make it taste better than those who buy expensive food.

It's all the same to me, and i don't get why anyone should look down their nose at someone because they are working for minimum wage.

At least there working, right?



Active Member
Just use my email, i have it there, and this is NOT my full time job. im just using it for some extra on the side. just to clear all you minimum wagers up i have a job that is paying 16/ hr and for a 22 year old whos taking care of his mom thats decent.