cha ching, Nitrogen during the flush?

cary schellie

Active Member
does anyone know why foxfarms feed schedule says use cha ching the last few weeks when it contains N. makes no sense to me:confused:
if your in soil, there is no need to flush if you've fed properly,Flushing is for fixing overfeeding problems and toilets.
N is needed to keep the plant green and healthy, letting it yellow and die at the end is the wrong way.

cary schellie

Active Member
i dont get it, if always learned to flush the last 2 weeks, im getting bashed on another thread cause i said mg soil sucks because the time release wont let u flush. any pros have any input??????????????/
i dont get it, if always learned to flush the last 2 weeks, im getting bashed on another thread cause i said mg soil sucks because the time release wont let u flush. any pros have any input??????????????/
I agree, mG sucks, it isn't for MJ, it uses cheap nutes nad you can't control your plant. I tell people, you don't starve the horse 2 weeks before the race, the whole point in resin,trich and thc production is the plants attempt to catch pollen, so it can live, not die.
Nitrogen is needed through all phases of plant growth, even through flowering and "ripening" but not as much as when in veg, the reason ChaChing has a low concentration of Nitrogen and not a high one. Flushing, weather or not you do it, its not "growing" its part of the curing process, so no you would not use Nitrogen during a flush, but you usually dont use any plant foods (0-0-0), only l-aminos, carbs, and/or a flush solvent.

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
yes, plants need nitrogen even late in bloom... thats why youll see leaves on some strains yellow out: the plant starts to cannibalize itself and burns off its excess nutrients, provided that youre flushing them with clean pHed water. flush=good. no flush=noob.