CH9's JACK, 1 Month Veg, 20 days flowering FEMALE


later i will be posting my small closet grow of CH9's jack LST'd (she's sleeping right now)
I have a few questions on how she is doing and what yall think of her as this is my 1st grow
im using a 50/50 mix of FFOF and happy frogs soil, along with FF big bloom, grow big and tiger bloom nutirents
i have 1 42w 2700k CFL and a 135w LED Blacklight Hydro (flowering series)
im using RO water with a ph of about 6, i will be trying hit around 6.3-6.5 and i also have cal-mag arriving in a few days (couldnt find in multiple stores =/)
Will be back in a few hours with pics! sorry for the inconvenience
sounds like a good setup dude, someone did their homework before they started :clap:

let that bitch get her beauty sleep lol the only thing i might ask about is ventilation. got any fans goin/ what are your temps like? we all love pics


i completely forgot i put this into plant problems and forgot to state my problem, i will show with pics once i post to try to get her back to normal, i hate trying to address a problem with no pictures, shes a little droopy with few burns/colorations of some sort on the leaves, still trying to address that problem, but for ventilation i do have 2 intake fans with 3 outtake fans and an ocilating fan inside lol but it keeps the temp around 82 degrees with a humditiy of 40-48%, from my studies my whole cannopy should be around 85 with led for proper transpiration


she will be awake within 2 hours ill post pics then, im pretty sure it a def with the RO water im using and not adding cal-mag hopefully that can soon be corrected when it arrives