CH9 Critical Mass a few weeks into flowering


Well-Known Member

Its a bad picture and its not a HUGE plant but yeh, i think i'll be yielding more off of her than your little babba :leaf:
Why does everyone keep replying to imherecuzimadope? With all the great advice given, as well as access to tons of information and the return is complete psycotic rants(although funny). Just let him/her get the 1-2g and be done with it, but you will surely hear about the 6 inch plant that produced a lb......


Well-Known Member
Why you all hatin, I was suspicious too, but when i saw that pic... I have never ever seen a cola that fat, oh he's def gonna get a few oz.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
Is the strain chupa chup? Looks like an actual sized lollipop

That cola will shrink also after chopping. Try not watering it for 50-70 days


Active Member
I hate CRITICAL MASS, BIG SEEDY NOT VERY GOOD WEED, I have had Critical mass RUIN a medical Garden, it does grow fast, very fast, but the smoke is not very good and it hermis on it's own, pollonates everything. I call it Critcal ASS. I did not read any off the post, i just seen the headline that said CRITCAL Mass, and i said to my self, OH no not that crappy ass weed.but I guess it just anit for me