CFL's to HPS


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU!

When making the transition from vegging with cfls to flowering with a 400hps how traumatic can that be too the plant? They were under 200watts of cfls in veg for 5 weeks. Is there anything to look for or worry about for the first few weeks or them being under the hps?

Thanks RIU


Active Member
I was growing 12 plants with CFLs then found a great deal on a 400W MH setup and threw that sucker over the plants....probably only about 3-4 inches from top of plant to bulb, and they LOVED the new light. CFL doesn't even compare to what a good HID will do to a plant that is ready to take off. Get that HPS as close as possible to the tops of your plants without burning you hand beneath the bulb, and if you can hold it there for more than 10 seconds without it getting hot, that is a fine height. Also always a good idea to have a fan directed at the tops of the plants and the light to keep excess heat from building up. GL