CFLs compared to T5lights


Well-Known Member
T5 HO lights are WAY more efficient than CFLs. When I first started growing I went to the local hydro store.... I knew I wanted flouro, the owner showed me a chart in the comparison of different lights. One MH= 8 T5s, 1 T5 = 5 CFLs, 1 CFL = 12 T8s. I was sold after seeing that. So I bought two T5 HO 6500k tubes. The light mounted onto ballast (its a super sleak aluminum frame) was $25 and the reflector was an additional $8. Or you could buy a 4 light lamp with all parts for $90.

If money is not too much of an option (obviously if you can afford it go with HID) I would say go with T5, you will not be disappointed.



Well-Known Member
what about the ho t12 are they worth the little money to suppliment in flowering with cfl's.. curious on this one just put two 4 foot t12 in with my cfl to get some distribution.

will they work as good as t5 or worse? if you know then please let me know it may help others too.. i found it hard to find the t5 in my area even at the hydro shop they had all t12


Well-Known Member
I started with a bunch of cfl's, and now i use T-5's, the t-5's in my opinon are way way better. The area coverage is great and power used is 430w. I use 8 bbulb 4'. the second picture is veggin under cfl in a closet.



Well-Known Member
I got the t5 just recently. I am a first time grower so I dont have experience with cfl. The clerk at the hydro store sold me on them as I was originally going there to get cfl.
Thank you Type-X for the pic of the plants under t5s...its the first i have seen. those babies look heathy!
The only thing that worries me is I have yet to see any substantial results for using the t5s to flower. Im am more interested in quality not quantity for my grow so I am hoping to get at least good potent buds at harvest.

