CFLs actually emit UV rays


Active Member
Just thought I would give everyone a heads up if you were curious. Manufacturers state CFLs do emit UV rays. The levels stated were 50 - 140 microwatts per lumen. This is compared to the amount from regular light bulbs that emit 100 microwatts per lumen. Both of these are much lower than outdoor UV radiation but not zero. There should be no need to worry as this is a minimal amount compared to the uv rays of the sun.
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Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
+ rep for your avatar...I have had the hots for benicio del toro ever since fear and loathing...
Just thought I would get everyone a heads up if you were curious. Manufacturers state CFLs do emit UV rays. The levels stated were 50 - 140 microwatts per lumen. This is compared to the amount from regular light bulbs that emit 100 microwatts per lumen. Both of these are much lower than outdoor UV radiation but not zero. There should be no need to worry as this is a minimal amount compared to the uv rays of the sun.


Active Member
We sell little 5watt-100watt UV bulbs made for zapping algae in these have any grow potential?


Active Member
UV light is what actually causes weed to produce THC. This is why the best outdoor weed comes from near the equator where UV levels are highest, the plant uses THC like humans use melanin which turns our skin brown to stop us from getting burnt.
UV light is good for the potency of your plants.
The percentage of THC that a plant produces is actually decided by its genetics but adding a UV bulb will help you to achieve this max level.

Terrarium Lighting: Lucky Reptile Compact UV Sun Bulb from zooplus