I was talking about the yields being very small, which should be obvious from reading my first post. I guess some people see something that looks stupid at first and can't resist shitting all over it before they read the rest of the post. The original poster asked about yields, and a few people posted some pitiful yields which shed exactly zero light on the effectiveness of CFLs, and the thread died with a general consensus that CFLs did not produce good yields. However, CFLs are great lights if used correctly in the right situations, and I thought it should be understood that almost anyone could produce better yields if they just knew how to use CFLs effectively.
The yields that they posted were shockingly low, and I was just commenting on that. Anyone reading this thread who actually looked at the wattages posted and the yields from those wattages, and read the posts, and had any technical knowledge at all, would understand exactly what I was saying. If people are using hundreds of watts and only harvesting around a zip or less then they clearly don't know what they're doing, which is the only point I was trying to make.
Guess maybe I worded it poorly, but I thought it was pretty obvious from my original post that I was simply stating the obvious about those poor yields. When I said "Why are all these people posting their yields in grams", I was asking why so many people were unable to produce even a couple ounces with such an enormous wattage.