CFL wattage for cloning


Hey everyone. I'm looking to make my cloning setup a bit smaller, and want to try CFLs.

For those of you who have cloned under CFLs, how many plants per light, and what wattage have you found to work best?


I've used 4 foot tubes in the past. I clone in pots of coco, so the length is not an issue, as it would be in a cloner. But I want to try CFLs to make my colning setup more compact. (I'd like to move it to a shelf in another room to free up some space in my grow room.


Well-Known Member
So like, 12 inch plants yeah? So youre gonna be vegging the clones a bit more or just to let them root before flowering? For the veg period you really dont need that much imo but id say for healthy growth maybe 65w per plant? although some people have said 100w p-p i think you can get away with less, depends what you want. ive got a plant a bit shy of 12 inches and its under 2 x 20w and although the growth rate isnt staggering, its perfectly healthy with no stretching