CFL Wardrobe Grow (VEG) 250Watt (FLOWER) 500 Watt ...2 Bag Seed. (VEG/BLOOM LOG.)


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone hope all is well!

So its been a couple months since my last grow (Bubblegum & other bagseed) which was a rather successful grow getting me 2 1/2 oz from 2 small plant's, This all from the most ghetto setup going ha. (This log can be seen in my sig)

This time i have decided to gut out a wardrobe of mine..Line the inside with mylar...Hook the light up and get the hopeful girls in.


CFL lighting
VEGGING - 250 Watt Dual Spectrum
Lighting Hours - 18 on 6 off

FLOWER - 250 Watt Dual Spectrum & 250 Watt Red Spectrum

Germinated seed in wet cotton wool then planted in Miracle Grow Soil.
Transplanted into Plant Magic soil mix & Perlite

Old Timer Grow (5-3-3)
Old Timer Bloom (3-5-4)

Tap water up until 3 weeks then Spring Water + Nutes

So let me show you what im working with...

1st Image is the wardrobe i shall be using (Very big perfect for this grow)

2nd Image - The whole setup with the girls (yes i need a tad more mylar)

3rd Image - The girls at 2 weeks 2 days of veg- Looking very Indica dominant


Also please note i have a fan running 24/7 circulating air.. opening window's venting fresh air.

So that's that for now, be sure to keep checking in for the full
documented grow, Any questions and suggestions welcome

Good to be back.:bigjoint:
Newbie here! That outta the way. I'm going to be following your grow. Your set up looks like mine will prob end up being. I have been scouring this site for ideas on tents, boxes, and all the such. I think doing simple like yours is best. Where did u get the CFL's and what spectrums?


Well-Known Member
Newbie here! That outta the way. I'm going to be following your grow. Your set up looks like mine will prob end up being. I have been scouring this site for ideas on tents, boxes, and all the such. I think doing simple like yours is best. Where did u get the CFL's and what spectrums?
Hey Morb thanks for being the 1 person to respond haha...

I think its great that you will use this to help you along the way.. I now have a 375watts of cfl using -

1- 250 Watt Dual Spectrum CFL
1- 125 Watt Red Spectrum CFL

So thats 250 watt red / 125 watt blue.. To benefit from using just 2 bulbs i have done some LST to my plant i will post pictures of where i am at right now tomorrow... I have also put my plants into flowering but its only been a day.

P.s You can get the CFL grow bulbs online or from a local hydroponics store.

MartyB :leaf: