Cfl vs led


hey i am about to start an aerogarden grow with a white queen strain in a grow tent dr80

I have at my disposal a
Multi Spectrum 315 Watt CFL Light which Includes one 30K Spiral, one 41K Spiral and one 50K Tube style bulb.

and a UFO 90W led light with a dominant red spectrum

and the aerogarden light of course

a) which one would be the best one to use and why?

b) if i were to use all three, what would be the adequate set up? would the set up need to be rearranged in the different stages of growth?

Looking forwards to heard back from anyone with any experience

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
I don't have much cfl experience, but if you have all these lights already I say the CFLs up top, as close as you can get them. The UFOs aren't great in my opinion, but it wouldn't hurt to have it on the side for flowering lower buds, and you can turn the aerogarden light on if you want but it's not nearly enough.


I don't have much cfl experience, but if you have all these lights already I say the CFLs up top, as close as you can get them. The UFOs aren't great in my opinion, but it wouldn't hurt to have it on the side for flowering lower buds, and you can turn the aerogarden light on if you want but it's not nearly enough.

hey Ian, thanks for your advice, that was pritty much what i was thinking of doing, just needed confirmation... will start a grow journal as soon as i get all the materials

thanks again


Well-Known Member
i would go ufo on top because they emit the light downwards and and cfls on the side because cfls emit ALOT more light from the sides of the bulbs


Active Member
L.E.D's are better beacuse the 90 watt is equivalnt to a 400 watt hid light when compering the amount of useable lumins eatch light puts out. also you would want it close to touching if you have 1 plant the more plants the further it should be.

also leave it further away if growing dominant indicas to help grow taller it wontaffect the nodes to much if its indica.


I was planing to set up my 315 watt cfl ballast directly over the top 2" or 3" above the plant, still wondering about where to place the UFO was thinkin to hang it up vertically instead of horizontally facing the plant..

I am only growing 2 plants ( indica/sativa mix 60/40 ) = personal use.. in a grow tent dimentions 32"x 32 "x 68" hence am only looking for the best set up with what i have in this area?

seeds on their way :)


Well-Known Member
I would use all of those lights, as long as your electrical circuit can handle the load. Light arrangement is at your discretion IMO, put em as close as you can without burning the plant(s).