CFL Soil BagSeed Rubbermaid Growbox - Flowering Grow Journal

I am starting this grow journal a bit late, flowering already, but I plan on using it for practice for a future complete seed to bud tutorial.

2 chambers

1-veg chamber w/ blue spectum cfls

currently has 2 little plants I haven't decided whether or not to top yet, thinking of trying lst on them when they get a little taller. From decent bagseed sprouted 6/30 + 7/1

Also in here on a shelf are some special seeds from an old grower friend of my dads. They are from some feminized exotic strains that may be cool. The problems here are they are years old for one, and I don't know if theres any life left in them, also there is a problem knowing whats in the bag, lol. They were in small sorted bagges at one point, somehow they all dumped into the main outer baggy and got all mixed up. We'll see if anything happens there.

2-Budding Chamber - 5(42w=150w) and 2(??=75w)

3 plants here on 12/12 light. 2 have been flowering for 1 week with no signs of preflowers yet. The 3rd was put in 7/18.

They started from bagseed from some decent sh*t between 6/20-6/24. They have all been topped and have 4-6 flowering sites each.


This is the start of the grow log. I'm a noob and know nothing of rep or what all should be displayed here so I will simply post pics I take as often as I can and post them along with any personal notes.

I would appreciate it if anyone decides to follow this, that they just let me know if they want me to post more info (temps, humidity, type of soil, growbox construction, nutes, ect.) And I'll try to answer any questions and keep everyone posted.

Right now I only have the pics from the flowering box so I'll get the veg ones up asap. :joint::peace:


The veg plants have some growing to do yet. Since my flowering chamber is all topped plants, I was thinking of trying lst on these. I'm still undecided cause topping has always worked good 4 me. I'm putting this one to the forum for a poll, let me know what u guys think. To top, or not to top. Post ur thoughts or past experience and help this stoner decide!!!:leaf:


New Member
how did you block the light out between the veg box, and the flower box? are the in the same box? .. im juss asking cause im doing a rubbermaid grow to.
how did you block the light out between the veg box, and the flower box? are the in the same box? .. im juss asking cause im doing a rubbermaid grow to.
Good question. They are 2 totally separate boxes. I used chrome duct tape to block all the light leaks so the veg box with 18/6 light doesn't screw with the bud box 12/12.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Those look great man. I started growing 2 years ago.. and for the few first grows I would use bagseed to teach myself what works the mj and what doesnt. the do's and dont's :)
I remember my last bag of reg. bud (scwhagg) it was some kill for being regular bud you know?
I still read whenever I can and I'm still learning new things.
Those look great man. I started growing 2 years ago.. and for the few first grows I would use bagseed to teach myself what works the mj and what doesnt. the do's and dont's :)
I remember my last bag of reg. bud (scwhagg) it was some kill for being regular bud you know?
I still read whenever I can and I'm still learning new things.
I know exactly what ur sayin man. I have been practicing with bagseed for like a year now with soil and a couple different hydro systems I built. This time I went with soil because I read somewhere that it worked best for re-vegging and I wanted to give that a try just to see how it looks. I'm totally ready to graduate up to some real strains but those girls live in a country where ordering that kinda stuff can result in a sudden and untimely state of jail:evil: