[CFL/SOIL/12/12 ]BBbubblegum's First Grow [CFL/SOIL/12/12]


Active Member
yeah man that bites (PUN). maybe you could try to till the growth and weeds around it? like make a nice perimeter of JUST soil, and spray around that shit with neem oil if u can get ahold of some. i couldnt, so i just sprayed some pesticide like 3 feet away from it all the way around. not smart, i know but there were ants and catepillars everywhere! lol


Well-Known Member
yeah man that bites (PUN). maybe you could try to till the growth and weeds around it? like make a nice perimeter of JUST soil, and spray around that shit with neem oil if u can get ahold of some. i couldnt, so i just sprayed some pesticide like 3 feet away from it all the way around. not smart, i know but there were ants and catepillars everywhere! lol
I can't get any neem oil, and I can't clear the vegatation as it is acting as cover. I'll just have to let it be. The new growth is great though, I get a brand new node evey 3 days, and the nodes are getting their own growth now.


Well-Known Member
Checked on them today, nute watering definetley tomorrow. Grow box is looking good, painted and assembled looking to finish tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Went to check on them, looking good, will be indoors soon. They are pretty dry, but i can't water with nutes as it is going to rain in a few hours. Need to finish the box tomorrow and hook up the lighting, still need to look for a fan though.


Well-Known Member
Weathers been weird, sunny, then rained for like 5 minutes, now sunny again. Thinking about transplanting from the 1 gallon to 3 gallon container, if I can get other soil then MG, I'll switch to that...then onto flowering. I'm hoping the smell won't escape the box.


Well-Known Member
Good and bad news. My biggest is 14 inches tall and getting huge...But my other good one is getting torn by bugs...And theres the runt in there tooseedlings28 (1).jpgseedlings28 (2).jpgseedlings28 (3).jpgseedlings28.jpg


Well-Known Member
Mainly due to the smell issue. A 4 inch clone won't produce the same scent as the 14 incher. I am dying to know if it is a female. I am just hoping it recovers ok from the toping.


Well-Known Member
Mainly due to the smell issue. A 4 inch clone won't produce the same scent as the 14 incher. I am dying to know if it is a female. I am just hoping it recovers ok from the toping.
Don't even worry about it. These plants are tougher than you think. It will get bushier if you keep it topped.


Well-Known Member
Don't even worry about it. These plants are tougher than you think. It will get bushier if you keep it topped.
Awesome. It is averaging an inch a day. Does that mean by september it will be 5 feet tall?And yield like 1/2 a pound? The plan is to get a mother plant (Hopefully my best plany) and pull clones off of that.


Well-Known Member
Only time will tell. It may not be fully mature by then. It also depends on your latitude. If you start topping it now, you can do it again later and take as many clones as you like for mothers or to flower inside later. Take a cut from each plant to take inside for 12/12. And be sure to label them properly so you'll know what ones to pull up if any are male. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Wherever you make the cut you will want to leave the tip and a leaf and below that you will want 2 nodes to strip of leaves and branches. Dip that in rooting powder and put it in some seed starting mix or perlite. If you use perlite, water the perlite every 12 hours to keep it wet as perlite does not retain much moisture.


Well-Known Member
Wherever you make the cut you will want to leave the tip and a leaf and below that you will want 2 nodes to strip of leaves and branches. Dip that in rooting powder and put it in some seed starting mix or perlite. If you use perlite, water the perlite every 12 hours to keep it wet as perlite does not retain much moisture.
I don't have rooting powder, was just going to put it in more MG.