CFL Side Lighting *Question + Rep

Hot Spliff

Hello, i have a normal 1.2m Tent, with a 600w HPS bulb. Just fancied putting in a 300w RED CFL in too, but not sure where best place would be to put the CFL bulb. Up near the HPS level or hangin round the middle/bottom of plants.

Just wondering what other ppl think, using the CFL near the top buds to get them bigger or put the bulb near bottom of plant for extra lighting there??? or maybe move the cfl bulb each week?

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Well-Known Member
well, if you don't have any lighting hitting the middle/lower parts of the plant, then yes, I would highly suggest placing it near the middle/lower/bottom area of the plant. Also, as far as using a RED CFL bulb? Eh, not too sure about that. You need to really check on that before using it.. just my advice.

for flowering phases.. your best bet is to use the 2600k spectrum CFL bulb. For veg phases, your best off using the 6500k CFL bulbs.

But again, if you have no light getting to the middle/lower/bottom parts of your plant(s).. I highly suggest getting some.


Hot Spliff

the bulb is a 300w red 2700k. flowering one i think. yeah thinkin getting more lighting to lower half of plant is best, rather than more light for the top buds.