cfl setups/ prices


Active Member
ok im in search of a good cheap setup. I have 6 lants and it may lessen due to males once i sex them. Where can i buy a cfl ballast that holds ? amount of cfl bulbs. How much watt & ????k of cfls for flowering? About much much is this looking to cost me? Where can i get all this? I wont buy anything off the internet.. any suggestions about anything thx tree


Elite Rolling Society
Here is EVERYTHING you need to know and should have already read over:

the answer to all your questions are there.

When you join this site, you are told to read GROWFAQ first to avoid asking the same questions. I know it is a lot to read, but we all read it so we could answer the questions.
Lowes and Home Depot have 42 watt Spiral CFLs for $10.98 each, plus the socket and reflectors are $7 to $11 each, depending on size. That is the smallest wattage to consider. You need an equal amount of RED and Blue Spectrums, or the Bright Whites and Cool soft whites mixed to give a full spectrum. Blue Spectrum, high Kelvins (BRIGHT WHITE, 5500 to 7000 range) are for VEGGING. The low Kelvins, sift white (cream colored bulbs) are for FLOWERING.
Read GROWFAQ and impress us with what you learned. You do not have to read it all now, only 1/4 of it, just what is needed to get started. I'm here to help ya, bro.


Active Member
ive been to the grow faq my share of times... i cant get all the stuff after reading it its alot ... i cant even find a piece that u can hook in more than 1 or 2


Well-Known Member
The clamp lamps that they sell at the hardware stores are what you are looking for or you can buy a multi lamp fixture. There is NO ballast required for CFLs. I purchased 3 clamp lamps and 3 Y spliters, so I can use 6 lights. As for watts you can get from 13w to 200w CFLs the choice is up to u but like Roseman said 42w cfls can be had at local hardware stores or WlaMart ect... Use the 5500-7000k Bulbs for veg and 3000-2500k for flower. We all read the GrowFAQs till they are imprinted in to our brain. Ready and read and read some more. People here have been growing for 10+ yrs and are still reading. I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member

9 cfl's @ 26w each

I took apart old lamp fixtures for the sockets and used the spare wires to wire all the sockets together

made the reflector outta shoeboxes and mylar, and screwed them thru the rubbermaid lid

since I only paid for the lights I think I spent like $11 total for that setup. It worked fine for my first grow, I flowered 3 plants pulled about 15g off of each plant. I just bought a 70W HPS to use in addition to the CFL's and Im working on my second grow right now.


Elite Rolling Society
If you use the Clamp Reflectors, they are easily aimed and moved around and can be put closer to the plant.