CFL SET UP Cupboard


Well-Known Member
Scrog Questions if anyone can help. So once the plants reach the screen I bend them to grow horizontally? And then the bud sights grow upwards, and i trim the access of the foliage below the screen? The screen is about 8-9 inches above the grow medium.


Well-Known Member
Day 14 of flowering. Day 30 overall. 4 out of 5 are female which is awesome 5th one has yet to show any signs of sex. I trimmed some of the foliage as well.


Well-Known Member
DAY 18 of flowering, Day 34 Overall

How do the girls look to you guys? Its pretty crazy I planted 5 seeds, they all sprouted and all ended up females. Im pretty stoked. The leaves look a little thin to me.


Active Member
hey i was wondering what kind of lights i should use for a 1 plant growbox, probably about 3 feet high, and if computer fans are stong enough for a box that size. im hopin to do the full growth in the box, is there aything important i should know about this type of grow, im just planning right now but since im new at this i figure i should learn everything i can first


Well-Known Member
if you dont care too much about having the best dank then go with autoflowering strains...only get a couple feet and you dont need to change light regimens

Or use a regular indica with a sog or scrog setup...

Youd have enough space to easily pull off more than you can smoke....then your friends will REALLy like you a lot.

And some dis on autos but i know a guy whos got his shit down....and he uses cfls, like way more than needed.....that kaksmacker is pulling 7 ozs out of his set up every week off 7-10 plants...its a perpetual auto setup and the shit is dank...
just a thought.