Cfl"s pounds


bud bootlegger
you would need sooo many cfl bulbs in order to pull that much weight, it would simply be ridiculous and much easier to do so with higher wattage hid lights instead..
cfl's aren't bad bulbs, you can get them in different spectrums for different growth periods, but the thing about them is that they have way less lumen output as compared to the same amount of watts of hid lighting, there fore making hids the much better choice..
also, cfl light is not very strong, there fore it tends to decrease very quickly the further that the light gets away from its source, the bulb.. you would need tons of bulbs all around the plant in order for the plant to get an even amount of light all over it instead of say only having one hid bulb on the top of the plant doing pretty much the same job..


Active Member
what about scrogging i mean yeah u would need alot of bulbs but they have some high watt cfls now were u wouldn't need as many im sure it wouldn't take too much space but it could be done i mean were not talking about a closet grow if ur trying to get that much and if it is a closet u could just have a perpetual were u take clones and keep adding a plant every 3 weeks or 2 weeks so every two weeks ur harvesting....


Active Member
what about scrogging i mean yeah u would need alot of bulbs but they have some high watt cfls now were u wouldn't need as many im sure it wouldn't take too much space but it could be done i mean were not talking about a closet grow if ur trying to get that much and if it is a closet u could just have a perpetual were u take clones and keep adding a plant every 3 weeks or 2 weeks so every two weeks ur harvesting....
He is right, with the right combination of kelvins (perhaps some 2700ks, 4500ks, and some 6500ks.) You could pull 4 lbs easily with 8-10 150w (1200-1500w total) cfls which isn't many compared to some grow setups I've seen. Scrogging guides I've read ask you to flower at a certain point in growth and that would limit your veg time requiring a lot more plants.64 oz is asking a lot if you can't grow your plants tall. Plus it has a lot to do with method of growth (soil/hydroponic medium. proper environment and fertilization throughout the grow, etc.).

Edit: But for the price of that many high-watt CFLs, you may as well get a HPS system imo and as posted above.


Well-Known Member
you could do a cfl sea of green hehe. if it was a 4'x4' sea of green i could see you;
-line the ceiling with 16 45w bulbs laying down, and have them is line/rows of 6. having 6 line/rows total
-you would need a 18" fan oscillating and blowing at the lights to dissipate heat
-you would definitely need a little ac or some kind of air duct system with maybe 2 18" fans sucking out air from 2 holes cut out from the side of a wall on top. also to keep all the light from coming out you could, use those big flat carbon fiber filters at home depot/lowes/ace. their actualy ac air intake filters for inside.

*I had a set up years ago, it was similar
-5'x2' @467watts. basically 20 23w cfls and 3 fans;
-5'x2' box/cabbinet
-rows of 3 on the ceiling, i had the cfls screwed into sockets that had a plug on the other end, they were 1"x3", those plugged into power strips that plugged into a main heavy duty power strip, and then to the wall. fans get their own plugs from different outlets. i found that if i used one plug the lights wouldn't get as blinding as usual!
-1 12" fans blowing from the ceiling, it was on far left side of the roof, it was angled at bottom corner diagonal from its position.
-another 12" fan, this one mounted on the center of the left wall, blowing straight into my plant
-another fan sucking air out mounted on the center of the right wall.
-10 gypsy nirvana short ryder(which i wont buy again cuz most autos are mini and not worth while), solid dense weed, very very crazy on the flowering spots, one plant had a branch every 3/4 inch, it was insane... too many flowering spots, it eventually got mold when it didn't go back in its box for a week. mold that almost took me out!
i have no pick but i have this:
2009 set up.gif


Well-Known Member
so i guess you could just double mine and work with 40 small cfls... but i would go for the bigger ones, its just less hassle.


Well-Known Member
You could do it, but why would you want to? CFL's grow good buds but HID buds are superior.. If you're planning on growing lbs.. go HID.


Well-Known Member
450w cfl system = $70.00 details; $10.00 for cfls, the store had sale; 4 pack of 23w cfls for $2. add in all the sockets you have to get and its $50 more. 6 power strips at thrift store $10.

400w hps sytem = $150.00


Active Member
i am hoping for 1.5 pounds every 4-5 weeks with my cfls. 6 plants every harvest. 4 oz per plant is the goal


Well-Known Member
Here's a good method for a CFL SCROG. It's what I'm doing currently, but on a much smaller scale with 12x 26w CFL's in a smaller grow area - 2.65 square feet, and 5 ft. tall.

2011-08-26_01-17-10_243.jpg 2011-08-26_01-05-37_769.jpg 2011-08-26_01-08-58_822.jpg 2011-08-26_01-04-40_74.jpg

Just hang power strips down parallel to your canapy. Use socket to outlet adapters for your bulbs. Make it so the height of your lights can be adjusted in conjunction with the growth of you plant.


Active Member
wow. you are a total jack ass. i did my home work. you should do yours. I set high goals to get good results. I never said I produced this. I will post what I produce though and im pretty sure I'll be close to my goal.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
wow. you are a total jack ass. i did my home work. you should do yours. I set high goals to get good results. I never said I produced this. I will post what I produce though and im pretty sure I'll be close to my goal.
Prove me wrong!

If you really did do you reasearch show us some CFL grow that have that kind of yeild.


Well-Known Member
Nah just sit back and wait for an appology.

I think bonzi is good people maybe he just has a grudge against cfl.


I have 7 plants with a 12 x 17 foot grow room ,three 6 tube t8 fixtures im shootin for 3lbs or more if i need more light please send a comment betoven916 thank you


Active Member
i would say 18 x 200 watt CFL bulbs for 3-4 lbs i dont think its impossible or completely crazy people easily hook up 20 small cfl light cabs. it would be alot easier to cool than a HPS setup but it would also be a lot more wattage to get the results

personally we love our CFL setup, we grow as much as alot of people with 400 HPS's and we dont have to ever worry about loud 6' fans, heat never a big issue

i think i can push 6 ounces every harvest out of my 400 watt CFL setup pretty easy, that's what i'm shooting for with my current grow, check it out in my sig

watch chazmTC, once he gets his growing down, i imagine him producing 1.5 - 2 lbs a harvest or more with his 2000 watt setup