cfl question


Active Member
if i were to use 24w cfl at 6500k will i be able to veg and flower 2 to 3 plants, how many cfl 24w would i need to be ok?

thx, puff puff pass PR:joint:


i'd say 6 - 10... the more the better

but i'd recommend picking up some warm 2700k which are better for flower

Mr. Anonymous

Active Member
AFAIK 6500 is only for veg, I have 3 28watt 6500k bulbs from wallmart on a 3 inch and a new seedling.

Not sure how many you have to get for that many plants.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
CFLS smaller then actual 150 watt ( actual 150 watts not equal to but actual 150 or higher) is a waste of time and money. I used 400 watt hps setup is under $75 used and is less of a fire hazard.Dont waste your money just buy the 400 watt hps light and get bigger yields, tighter buds, and faster grows.


Active Member
filthy fletch, thx 4 the advice. i have a problem, i live wit my mom, so i gota keep it stealth, think wat will happen if i show up with a big 400 hps in the middle of my room, im getting a tan