Cfl Proximity To Foliage


Hell yeah, just picked up "Buds for Less" as an early Christmas gift 2 me... Let's do this! =O) ... Any other CFL book suggestion???


Well-Known Member
Sorry no time to go through all those pages

Wondering with super strong 250w CFLs does the 1-2 inches from plant rule go out the window? Sites that sell them recommend like a 2 foot distance

I am going with a closet grow about 2ft by 1.5 ft up to 4 feet and figured a 250w top cfl with some light strip fls or other cfls on the side as supplements


New Member
Sorry no time to go through all those pages

Wondering with super strong 250w CFLs does the 1-2 inches from plant rule go out the window? Sites that sell them recommend like a 2 foot distance

I am going with a closet grow about 2ft by 1.5 ft up to 4 feet and figured a 250w top cfl with some light strip fls or other cfls on the side as supplements
:leaf:I don't believe the rule "goes out the window." I can not provide facts but from the threads I have read I would recommend to keep them around 2-3 inches away.

:leaf:One thing I can tell you for a fact though is that most CFL bulbs can't burn a plant, unless it has physical contact with the plant.

:leaf:And the sites that are recommending to keep the plants at a 2 foot distance don't think your growing marijuana.
I have a question about cfl proximities
when you have a germ seed in medium how far should the cfls be then? And tall should the plabt be when you put the lights within 1 inch
I have 4 70 watt cfl and I am planning on growing 7 plants what do you think ?
Good joke do some more research
you will probably need at least 3 of those lights per plant, and different frequencies for the different stages

tip: when you post include more detail like the frequency are there reflecors involved how big of plants do you want, grow room ventilation
only then will you get the best answer you can get

another tip: 30-36 watt bulbs are the most lumen efficient so those are a better option


Active Member
1.anyone know a good number of cfl bulbs for 5 plants. or how many bulbs are good per plant. also is higher wattage better, anyone recomend a wattage?
2. or whould one h.i.d be good for 5 plants, and if so what watt.


Active Member
1.anyone know a good number of cfl bulbs for 5 plants. or how many bulbs are good per plant. also is higher wattage better, anyone recomend a wattage?
2. or whould one h.i.d be good for 5 plants, and if so what watt.
There's more factors that go into choosing lights than what you've given. Care to go into some detail? I'd love to try to answer, but alot of the info. can probably be found with a bit of research.


i need help been growing since september, they are 4' tall switched to 12/12 lighting on 3/1 do i stop feeding? one plant out of 7 has hairs the others dont, dont know what to do growing my own medicine first time.

Richie Bud

Active Member
I'm on my first grow ever and using the large cfl 125 Wat for vegging will be using a 300 or 400 Wat for flowering
I am growing in a grow tent 5.5ft high 4ft wide I am growing early rider fem
have just germinated and am wondering what height to have the cfl over the seedlings
as I said I am a beginner and just growing for personal use for now any help would be greatly appreciated thanks:fire:

Richie Bud

Active Member
every one is talking about the little CFLs that you get from the store what about the big ones that you get from grow shops I use two of them under canopy in grow tent and find them pretty good OK they are pretty expensive but worth every penny I am growing 6 plants under them 4 Northern Lights and 2 Easy Rider they are really coming on well