Find the total watts:
8*23w = 184 watts total or .184 kilowatts
Figure out you kWh price, around 10-20 cents, typically. It's on the bill, usually.
There are 720 hours in a 30 day month(24 hr*30 days). 18 hours * 30 days = 540 hours
So, multiply the total number of hours, by the total kilowatts, we then get a new unit
kW*hours or kWh.
540 hours * .184 kW = 99.36 kWh (total, 30 days)
Then multiply by the kWh unit price: total kWh * $.10 or *$.20
So at 10 cents, around $9.94, up to $19.87 for .20 per kWh