CFL PC GROW :First grow SSSDH (suggestions, help)PICS


Hey guys,

This is my first grow in pc grow case I made myself
The strain is SSSDH, im using fox farm ocean forest wit perlite
Its been about 4 weeks now, do you think he/she is to small?
And should is start feeding yet, im not sure why the leafs are curling under not all of them though
But its seems to be healthy so far, I see new growth every morning
Also im using 4 26 watt cfls , 2 pc fans one intake one exhaust ..temp is steady 86 lights on 70-75 lights off
Humidity goes from 26%-35% sometimes but rarely 16%

Bottom leave seems burnt but i havent fed nutes yetburnt.jpgcurled leafcorner.jpganother curled leafcurl.jpgside.jpgtop.jpgtop2.jpg

suggestions and any advice would be great!


really ? showing signs of growth everyday ..about every 3 days i wait till the soil gets dry about a 2 inches deep... do you think itll continue to grow?


New Member
it will grow br0 but u iz need bigger box liek speker bux and humidity in veg should be 70% and u need kumputer fans and move into bigger pot if not u'll be waisting yo time and if u get buds ull have a 1 joint plant


Active Member
yes zoot is right the size of the pot your using is incorrect at the bare minimum the roots need 5-6 inches to burrow down. heres my 2 week old plant View attachment 2127197 not as many nodes as yours but notice shes almost the same size? like zoot said get her in a bigger pot, be VERY careful not to damage any roots in transplant


thnks for the quick replys guys i will transplant as soon as possible
should i give nutes yet?
and why is that bottom leaf yellowing but the rest arent


Well-Known Member
DSCN0262.jpgYeah, I agree also. Get her in a bigger pot ASAP. Heres a pic of my WW @ 3 weeks old. My leaves started curling too, then I read somewhere that it could be due to chlorine in the water. I have switched to spring water and no more curly leaves.


what size pot you guys think will be fine for her but will still give me enough space for decent yield in a pc case?
sorry for so many questions.
also should i feed yet?


Active Member
yeah you can go ahead do a very small dose though and i mean SMALL like maybe a ml your plant is very small just get it bare minimum bloom nutes dont wanna add nute burns on top of that. Your plant should start improving its been working with bare minimum nutes [at least i hear fox farm doesnt add very many nutes] but also you don't wanna do to much at once cus your trying to eliminate problems not create.