Cfl or hps?!?


Active Member
it may...especially if u check on them quite often always checkin on my babies lol....speakin of i gotta check onem now and get dinner started the mrs is gonna be gettin off work soon, i work nights so i get dinner detail alot lol...good luck and if u see me on send me a personal message and ill hit u back....nice chattin with you my friend :)


Well-Known Member
fair play mate lol :p, yea thanks alot for your help tonight i realy appreciate it. il keep you posted on how they get on :) .


Active Member
MH will do a great job in flowering. HPS is still better but it's not a big deal. If you have MH 400W stick with it. I've known what it's like to be skint. There was a time when $10 for something I needed was hard to come by.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
lol i think thats all im going to have to do, well il get my exhaust fan and pipe this weekend hopefully see what difference that makes, then if its still to high il have to get a intake, because i think it gets enuf oxygen when i open the door to look at the plants etc?
sounds like uv got a plan...