CFL Nirvana Free Mystery Seeds


Well-Known Member
I've got 2 Nirvana Mystery Strains growing in my AG with Additional CFL lighting.

here's a pic, the Plant to the right (Which is now MUCH bigger) was planted on March 9th, Topped 2 weeks later.
There's also a Mystery (Much smaller) in the front. hardly see it in this pic.. (It's now about 1 foot tall. Also topped at 2 weeks)

Back left, is a Blue Mystic (female)

My Nirvana Mystery plant is doing fanFriggintastic!

I hope it's a girl.. I am starting to Flower this week and will update my AG thread if anyone else is interested.




Well-Known Member
damn. that thing is a BEAST man!! wow! well im glad to see that it can be grown! lol. i have been having trouble trying to grow mine... my 1st one went 3 or 4 weeks into flowering.. and has like 2 baby white hairs... thats it. lol. and this one im growin now isnt doin much better.... but now that i think of it... this one is a clone from the last one.. lol. hmmm. maybe thats why its sucking. lol. i'll end up tryin it again another time.


Well-Known Member
Heyy every1.. well.. obviously we'll never know what the strain really is.. but i have a friend that finally finished the Nirvana Mystery Seed grow.. adn harvested the other day!!.. here's the link to his journal. it should be on the right page.. if not.. the 2nd to last page has the harvest pics.

the buds have a blue/purple tint to them on certain parts too, which i though was cool... well just wanted to share that with you guys


New Member
thats a reallly good grow for cfls , well compared to mine anyways , you got them pritty far away according to all the stuff i learnt on here ? , how many you using what specturm wattages?
sorry to bring up this old thread, but I was just searchin around for some info on the nirvana freebies and stumbled upon this. I just moved five into flower a couple days ago, they were about 14-17 inches tall and already showing female preflowers. anybody else get all females? i had planned on some being males and culling them out but all girls is cool too, just thinkin they may be feminized or somethin maybe just good luck for me. anyone got info on the flowering time? thanks -perm


Well-Known Member
sorry to bring up this old thread, but I was just searchin around for some info on the nirvana freebies and stumbled upon this. I just moved five into flower a couple days ago, they were about 14-17 inches tall and already showing female preflowers. anybody else get all females? i had planned on some being males and culling them out but all girls is cool too, just thinkin they may be feminized or somethin maybe just good luck for me. anyone got info on the flowering time? thanks -perm
out of 3 i got 3 females... ? sooo idk. maybe they were feminized.. adn i think they have a regular flowering period of 8-9 weeks.


Well-Known Member
u have any pics of them?? i grew out 1.. but it just got wayyyyy 2 big for me.. soo i had to put her outside.. adn she dies on me. id love to see wat it could potentially grow out to look like