CFL Mini Fridge Bagseed Micro Grow


Active Member
Flowering: Day 23 Pictures from the 23rd day of flowering. I plan on flushing them on the 28th day of flowering. No water today. Some leaves are perking up, some are resting very casually. Some leaves at the top are "falling" downward but idk if this is normal or not. Neither of them smell yet. Still waiting on that I suppose, maybe they won't stink which would be amazing sense i am still a carbon filter skeptic. :leaf:



Active Member
Nice concept.. also judging by the look of the leaves looks like you really lucked out on
the bagseed.


Active Member
Nice concept.. also judging by the look of the leaves looks like you really lucked out on
the bagseed.
Thanks man. Im new to everything so i'm like waiting for the buds to turn out bobby brown or be loaded with seeds or something. The hairs are looking really nice though so maybe the buds will be tasty after all.


Nice looking grow man! Those plants look fine to me, I'm relatively new myself, currently on my 3rd grow and this just so happens to be my first post here at RIU but I can tell you I learned most of the how to from reading hundreds of posts at this place. One thing I learned after a couple grows is this - its really not that hard - the damn things want to grow - oh, we will perfect our craft over the years and the plants will get better and better but in the end it grows like an annoying weed in your yard would. Having just read your journal I could remember dealing with the same things you're mentioning during my first grow. I thought for sure I'd killed my plants a dozen times that first grow, over water, under water, yellow lower leaves, too much nutes, to few nutes, leaves burnt up from a CFL resting on them for a few hours, I was a mess thinking it was a lost cause and the damn things just kept on growing.

I grew that time in 8" pots, and watered every 3-4 days, I had a slight run off with each water, the leaves were perky at times droopy at others, but still growing. Also, I use the complete line of Fox Farms and Tiger Bloom at 1/4th the recommended strength burnt the crap out of my girls, Maybe it was the strain but it loved everything I gave it except tiger bloom burnt the leaf tips real bad (but it still grew). Also the smell, now I admit my ventilation system and DIY carbon filter were hardly the best but man the whole damn house stunk bad, I mean real bad, it wasn't a huge problem where I am but just make sure you're ready for that possibility with a quick fix of some sort, I found a scented oil thing burning in ANOTHER room (had mine by the front door) masked it alright but close to the grow my god it stunk. I think you'll be much better off with your set up as far as odor goes. Also on LST, I was nervous also, but my first go I tried it all, topped one, filmed one, LSTed one, and the LST had the most bud, I used soft yarn and duct tape to the side of the pot, worked fine and the LSTed plant in the end had the best yield, maybe coincidence but for a level canopy and full round plant I LST them all now.

The main thing though, and trust me it's going to be very, very hard is to be patient, let the plant finish, when you think its done probably best to wait 2 more weeks, let them hairs recede into the bud and there is a sort of golden tint that glows on the bud, there are so many posts on when its done, is it done yet, or I got 50% cloudy can I chop, etc. all a result of being impatient. I absolutely without a doubt cut my first crop about 2-3 weeks early, the bud was good but not up to its potential. Then my second mistake was not curing it long enough, man I smoked that shit up, oh I hung it for 4 days, jarred it for 2 days then just a nug to taste and before I knew it, about the time my cure SHOULD have been done I was almost out of weed. Now my second grow was grown until finished, dried and cured properly and man, it was the best damn smoke ever, oh I've had better smoke I guess, but not that I grew myself so it was a very satisfying accomplishment. So, in summary, its gonna work out just fine, be careful with the tiger bloom, and be patient :-) again, nice grow looking forward to watching this one and good luck with being patient.


Active Member
Nice looking grow man! Those plants look fine to me, I'm relatively new myself, currently on my 3rd grow and this just so happens to be my first post here at RIU but I can tell you I learned most of the how to from reading hundreds of posts at this place. One thing I learned after a couple grows is this - its really not that hard - the damn things want to grow - oh, we will perfect our craft over the years and the plants will get better and better but in the end it grows like an annoying weed in your yard would. Having just read your journal I could remember dealing with the same things you're mentioning during my first grow. I thought for sure I'd killed my plants a dozen times that first grow, over water, under water, yellow lower leaves, too much nutes, to few nutes, leaves burnt up from a CFL resting on them for a few hours, I was a mess thinking it was a lost cause and the damn things just kept on growing.

I grew that time in 8" pots, and watered every 3-4 days, I had a slight run off with each water, the leaves were perky at times droopy at others, but still growing. Also, I use the complete line of Fox Farms and Tiger Bloom at 1/4th the recommended strength burnt the crap out of my girls, Maybe it was the strain but it loved everything I gave it except tiger bloom burnt the leaf tips real bad (but it still grew). Also the smell, now I admit my ventilation system and DIY carbon filter were hardly the best but man the whole damn house stunk bad, I mean real bad, it wasn't a huge problem where I am but just make sure you're ready for that possibility with a quick fix of some sort, I found a scented oil thing burning in ANOTHER room (had mine by the front door) masked it alright but close to the grow my god it stunk. I think you'll be much better off with your set up as far as odor goes. Also on LST, I was nervous also, but my first go I tried it all, topped one, filmed one, LSTed one, and the LST had the most bud, I used soft yarn and duct tape to the side of the pot, worked fine and the LSTed plant in the end had the best yield, maybe coincidence but for a level canopy and full round plant I LST them all now.

The main thing though, and trust me it's going to be very, very hard is to be patient, let the plant finish, when you think its done probably best to wait 2 more weeks, let them hairs recede into the bud and there is a sort of golden tint that glows on the bud, there are so many posts on when its done, is it done yet, or I got 50% cloudy can I chop, etc. all a result of being impatient. I absolutely without a doubt cut my first crop about 2-3 weeks early, the bud was good but not up to its potential. Then my second mistake was not curing it long enough, man I smoked that shit up, oh I hung it for 4 days, jarred it for 2 days then just a nug to taste and before I knew it, about the time my cure SHOULD have been done I was almost out of weed. Now my second grow was grown until finished, dried and cured properly and man, it was the best damn smoke ever, oh I've had better smoke I guess, but not that I grew myself so it was a very satisfying accomplishment. So, in summary, its gonna work out just fine, be careful with the tiger bloom, and be patient :-) again, nice grow looking forward to watching this one and good luck with being patient.
Thanks for the advice my friend. It's good to hear that all the things im going threw have happened to many of us. I am freakin out that they are growing too slowly because i look at other people's grows on day 23 of flowering and there nodes are covered in white hairs, whereas my plants are only just starting to show their white hairs now. I am really nervous about the smell as well but i think the fridge will do a really solid job holding scent inside of it. I also have a carbon filter that i bought from the local hydroponics store, i mine as well use it just to be safe. Keep an eye out for this grow- im hoping for some nice product in the end but even if it's decent i'll be satisfied. And also i will post the drying and curing process on here, i wanted to put everything about my first grow up here and it will probably be the last grow that i post a thread for so i mine as well go all the way. I wish i would have put up the germination and veg growth stages but to be honest they were pretty boring anyways!! lol


I'm pretty sure your plants lack the hairs because you vegged for such a short period of time, your first post said 14 days veg right? That may be a little fast to go from seed to flowering but I know you have height issues in a mini fridge and its still growing right :-) You'll probably just need to flower it longer I bet it really fills up in the last few weeks. You also might need to support the branches somehow in later stages as the plant might not be strong enough to support the weight. Best of luck mate!


Active Member
I'm pretty sure your plants lack the hairs because you vegged for such a short period of time, your first post said 14 days veg right? That may be a little fast to go from seed to flowering but I know you have height issues in a mini fridge and its still growing right :-) You'll probably just need to flower it longer I bet it really fills up in the last few weeks. You also might need to support the branches somehow in later stages as the plant might not be strong enough to support the weight. Best of luck mate!
It is as if you were reading my mind! I totally thought that the short veg may have caused it. Also i agree that they are going to need support before they are done, unless i get one top cola and tiny lil buds on the branches. Thanks for the comment


Active Member
Flowering: Day 24 After i took the pictures today, i added a lamp to the fridge that has two 26 watt cfl's on it. So in total i have 4 26 watt 2700k and 2 26 watt 6500k. In total i have 1780 lumens x 6 bulbs = 10680 lumens in an area of roughly 2 square feet. I think the plants need that extra boost of light. I gave them each 250ml of Tiger Bloom/water. No scent yent. Mini buds are starting to form, i anticipate Alana to have some weight on her side branches, as well as a decent top cola, and I think Becky is going to be top heavy, and mainly have one big top cola. :leaf:


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Not bad PattyStaff, but water a little more frequently if you can. They look like they need it, and if they don't have enough water in their system they don't grow/bud much. When the leaves droop like that or start looking 'crinkley' they need water. Healthy leaves should stick out from the meristem at about a 45 degree angle.

Add more light if you can, cause at this rate I'd say you'll prob pull a quarter off these two girls combined after flowering for about 90 days.
First and foremost, I cannot believe I read your entire thread to find that your beaster plants are about the size of your penis. Your leaves don't even look like marijuana leaves because you veged for such a short period of time. It looks like your colas are the only spots that are going to have any weight. Maybe you should stop spending so much time posting on your journal about your shwag and hit them books. I may be 3 days behind you in flowering but all my white hairs on my Shiva look like I'm at least a week ahead, and years ahead in life. I see where your leaves are yellowing and wilting, during periods where the soil is too dry. Your first problem is that you dishonored your family name but abruptly switching to dirt without any warning, but I figure you switched because thats about what your worth. Maybe one day ill show you what a serious killer plant looks like. I will see you in a few days for thanksgiving nucka'

Smoke Purp, Grow Hydro.


Active Member
First and foremost, I cannot believe I read your entire thread to find that your beaster plants are about the size of your penis. Your leaves don't even look like marijuana leaves because you veged for such a short period of time. It looks like your colas are the only spots that are going to have any weight. Maybe you should stop spending so much time posting on your journal about your shwag and hit them books. I may be 3 days behind you in flowering but all my white hairs on my Shiva look like I'm at least a week ahead, and years ahead in life. I see where your leaves are yellowing and wilting, during periods where the soil is too dry. Your first problem is that you dishonored your family name but abruptly switching to dirt without any warning, but I figure you switched because thats about what your worth. Maybe one day ill show you what a serious killer plant looks like. I will see you in a few days for thanksgiving nucka'

Smoke Purp, Grow Hydro.

hahahhaha you crazy son of a bitch this is gonna hit so hard that your gonna cry when you smoke it. You wont even clear the roor with this chronic. BTW the reasoning behind no hydro was the lack of space for the roots in a DWC system with the limited height i have. Bring some headies home with you too


Active Member
Not bad PattyStaff, but water a little more frequently if you can. They look like they need it, and if they don't have enough water in their system they don't grow/bud much. When the leaves droop like that or start looking 'crinkley' they need water. Healthy leaves should stick out from the meristem at about a 45 degree angle.

Add more light if you can, cause at this rate I'd say you'll prob pull a quarter off these two girls combined after flowering for about 90 days.
Thanks for the advice. I thought that i have not been watering enough. And also the two cfl's i added should hopefully push them over the edge and get some buds forming. Also- i agree about the weight estimate. I was predicting 3.5 to 4 grams on each plant. Next grow should probably just be one plant with a bigger square pot, and lst the shit out of it.


Active Member
Flowering: Day 25 So- adding two lights was too much heat too close to the plants, so i had to take one of the 6500k out. Now there are 5 26 watt cfls, 130 watts in total, roughly 9000 lumens. One of Becky's leaves started curling from heat stress, as it was only an inch from the cfl. Soil got real dry in 24 hours, but still not ready for water. New watering schedule is 250ml every 36 hours. I wish i wouldn't have let it get that hot in the fridge last night, but i went to sleep before the lights came on so i was not able to check how much the temps would rise from adding two bulbs. White hairs are still appearing more and more every day, no smell yet but their are crystals in the bud sites so im anticipating some smell real soon. :leaf:



Active Member
Flowering: Day 26 Almost killed my shit!!!! It got too hot in the fridge last night with 5 lights on (94 degrees F). Luckily i checked on them this morning. The leaves are drooping down because the soil got sooo dry due to the hot hot temps. One set of leaves on Alana actually has marks from heat stress, as well as a couple ruined pieces of leaf. I hopefully was able to save them from dying by removing the extra light, and i gave them 400 ml water/Tiger Bloom. I will post pictures tomorrow- with more detailed images of heat stress, almost all of the white pistils are still in tact, one or two hairs on the top of Alana are light light brown. This was a huge noob error that could have and should have been avoided, i already had roughly 4,000 lumens per square foot before i added the extra bulb. Like i said i think they will bounce back, idk you tell me!!



Active Member
Flowering: Day 27 WOW, thank god they are bouncing back from that heat experience. I now realize that 104 watts is just about the max i can have in the fridge, but i am not disappointed- in fact it's more wattage then i thought was going to be okay. I am considering purchasing an led light anyways, but i may stick with the cfl's depending on the yield. Alana has bud sites forming in so many places for such a tiny plant, i am very happy. I would say that there are between 10 and 15 bud sites on a plant that is only 13 or 14" tall at the moment. Becky has not developed her bud sites as much as her older sister, but i still have already counted 8 on her. I think that the tiger bloom is great for these ladies, and the high Phosphorus in the bat guano is not hurting them to say the least. :leaf:



Active Member
First and foremost, I cannot believe I read your entire thread to find that your beaster plants are about the size of your penis. Your leaves don't even look like marijuana leaves because you veged for such a short period of time. It looks like your colas are the only spots that are going to have any weight. Maybe you should stop spending so much time posting on your journal about your shwag and hit them books. I may be 3 days behind you in flowering but all my white hairs on my Shiva look like I'm at least a week ahead, and years ahead in life. I see where your leaves are yellowing and wilting, during periods where the soil is too dry. Your first problem is that you dishonored your family name but abruptly switching to dirt without any warning, but I figure you switched because thats about what your worth. Maybe one day ill show you what a serious killer plant looks like. I will see you in a few days for thanksgiving nucka'

Smoke Purp, Grow Hydro.
YEAH? You got some pics, just show us now. Lets see what a real plant should look like.

She/ he is a noob, thats what the first grow is about... learning.
so why don't YOU stop being so critical and offer some FRIENDLY advice.
There is a dif between constructive criticism and just being a mean know it all ( and I'm using the term "know it all" very loosely). The only thing a short veg will cause is a longer flowering time. No worries


Well-Known Member
YEAH? You got some pics, just show us now. Lets see what a real plant should look like.

She/ he is a noob, thats what the first grow is about... learning.
so why don't YOU stop being so critical and offer some FRIENDLY advice.
There is a dif between constructive criticism and just being a mean know it all ( and I'm using the term "know it all" very loosely). The only thing a short veg will cause is a longer flowering time. No worries
I think that was his friend/relative man. I don't think he meant offense, he was just joking.