CFL Micro PC Grow: Auto Berry


Active Member
The sick girl started looking better, but wasntmaking progress. I finally examined it and the root was underdeveloped, brown and had little white larvae on it. I think they came from the soil i used temporarly until I got the fox farm, so i trashed her in the hopes to save the seemed to be healthy and unaffected bigger one.

ya live and ya learn.


Active Member
I've noticed the edges are somewhat facing up, no discoloration on leaves or any signs of burning, just watered 24 hours ago. I havent added any nutes; the two bottom leaves from seedling are still healthy and green she is on a 20/4 light cycle with a dual spectrum (2x6500k 2x2700k), plant gorwth is explosive! I've also managed to rig up a pretty cool venting system so the air temp stays in the mid 70's to low 80's now:blsmoke:

day 16-3.jpgday 16.jpgday 16-2.jpg

Also when should I consider this strain (autoberry fem) to be in the flowering stage so i can add nutes?


i started giving nutes to my auto berry in the beginning of week 3 and she showed sex in week 5 and i gave her 1/4 veg nutes mix with 1/4 bloom nutes in week 5. than i stopped giving veg. nutes and gave only bloom nutes . Because of i dont have micronutrients , i gave them 1/2 dose some shit mix in week 6 . i dont know because of the shit mix that i gave them or because of they are in flowering stage but they gain 1/2 times of their size after shit mix in 1 week . ( i am a first time grower )

good luck


Active Member
i started giving nutes to my auto berry in the beginning of week 3 and she showed sex in week 5 and i gave her 1/4 veg nutes mix with 1/4 bloom nutes in week 5. than i stopped giving veg. nutes and gave only bloom nutes . Because of i dont have micronutrients , i gave them 1/2 dose some shit mix in week 6 . i dont know because of the shit mix that i gave them or because of they are in flowering stage but they gain 1/2 times of their size after shit mix in 1 week . ( i am a first time grower )

good luck
Watup bariszeb, appreciate you stopping by with some help.
Just to clarify;
week 3 you started veg nutes.
week 5 you mixed veg/bloom nutes as a trasitional stage
week 6 veg is taken away and only bloom nutes.

What is shit mix?


Hi Loudpac , how is everything going

this is what i gave to my auto berry

week 3 veg nutes ( 1/4 dose )
week 4 veg nutes ( 1/2 dose )
week 5 1/4dose veg nutes + 1/4 dose bloom nutes
week 6 1/2 dose bloom nutes and also in week 6 ( 5 days later after i gave them bloom nutes ) 1/2 dose guano(this is the shit mix i was talking about) .
week 7 , molasses ( 1 teaspoon/every liter )

hope this will help


Active Member
Watup RIU,
So far she's doing great, yesterday I added a mixture of veg nutes and fish emulsion (deodorized) and she just took em right in. Today I decided to go ahead and begin LST as well. As for the temps and my glass hypothesis, they worked beautifully. Temps were around the high 80's to low 90's, but now are stabilized around 73-77 with the lights on.

day 21 LST.jpgday 21-2.jpgventilation fix.jpgday 21-4.jpg
day 21-3.jpgday 21.jpg


Active Member
Watup RIU,
I think she's starting to show sex at week 3! There is, what seems to be a white hair protruding out of one of the nodes. Will update with pix as soon as some more progress occurs.
Please some help if anyone can answer, can i start prunning now or should I wait?


Active Member
Thanx for the response and any1 else who took the time to come through and show some love.

prunning, how what kinda prunning
I was thinking about trimming some of the leaves to allow light to the lower branches. LST should take care of this correct?
Either way, unless told otherwise, im going to just let her do what she does... Just a lil curious if it made a difference at all.


Active Member
Today I increased the strength of the nute mix to 50%. The past six days have brought alot of bud sites and tops.White hairs are at nearly evry node and the top shows no sign of topping out yet.:blsmoke:
What ya'll think of the LST job?

Day 25-8.jpgDay 25-10.jpgDay 25-6.jpgDay 25-5.jpgday 25-2.jpgDay 25.jpgDay 25-3.jpgDay 25-7.jpgDay 25-9.jpg


Active Member
ye she's the only one, not too disappointed thought...
LST would'nt have worked in this environment with more than 1 plant being present. She's already filled out the box from end to end almost.

Update coming soon!


Active Member
Well everything has been going great except for a minor gnat prob:roll:, which has been resolved. I sprayed them last night with an organic pesticide and that has seemed to get rid of the larvae and eggs (adults have died off). I will spray in a week again as a preventative maintenance, I dont want to risk anything although it says on the bottle "can use up to day of harvest".
She had her last feeding of veg/fish emulsion nutes (50% strength) 2 days ago. Her next feeding will be a mix of veg/bloom nutes with fish emulsion (25% strength). I included 2 pix to show that through LST, I've enabled cfl lighting to fully penetrate the canopy deliverying light all the way down to the soil, even at the deepest point. Smell is a very sweet yet pungent odor, if that makes any sense. Not sure if it's the grapefruit or blueberry coming through, but it's coming through:mrgreen:. Her pistils are increasing in number, it seems by the hour, with some turning a fire-red/orange, very interesting.
Anyways there's the update now for the pix, about to go blow some "mr. nice guy" I picked up yesterday, enjoy:joint:

Day 32.jpgDay 32 (9).jpgDay 32 (8).jpgDay 32 (6).jpgDay 32 (5).jpgDay 32 (7).jpgDay 32 (4).jpgDay 32 (2).jpgDay 32 (3).jpgDay 32 (10).jpgDay 32 (11).jpg


Active Member
Well different day, different nutes and crystals galore. Judging by her developement im hoping on a frosty summer break:mrgreen:... Anyways, nothin much has changed except sub'd out a 2700k bulb so its 1x 6500k and 3x 2700k now.
I'll just let the pix do the talking, enjoy. Comments, sugesstions input is encouraged, let me knoe>>> what ya'll think?:blsmoke:

Day 36 (9).jpgDay 36.jpgDay 36 (4).jpgDay 36 (2).jpgDay 36 (3).jpgDay 36 (7).jpgDay 36 (5).jpgDay 36 (6).jpgDay 36 (8).jpgDay 36 (10).jpg