Cfl micro grow box 2nd grow "green house white widow'


Well-Known Member
Damn slim I didn't kno u had all those strains, I want a critical + lol. the pics lookn good can't wait to c how ur ww turns out, should be a good show. R u jus gonna run ur other strains on this thread also bro? I wanna catch all this


Well-Known Member
Damn slim I didn't kno u had all those strains, I want a critical + lol. the pics lookn good can't wait to c how ur ww turns out, should be a good show. R u jus gonna run ur other strains on this thread also bro? I wanna catch all this
Yeah buddy im just going to update on here they are all gonna be small plants and i only have one of each going but most of all im lazy ahahahaha both cabs should be completely full like overflowing with green:-) And how i got all them is i got in a a tude promotion Junes to be exact ordered 2 or 3 beans and got like 13 free so i couldn't pass up the offer just wishing i made two orders instead of one or ordered more beans with the one order. But keep your eyes out tude should be having another promotion soon they have one every month at the beginning and they post up info about the promotion like a week before hand. Once im not a broke bitch again i will be placing an order every month to get all the freebies but i think im going to stick to buying reg seeds MR. Nice Guy seeds to be exact heard nothing but AWESOME things about the breeder and he's the one who started GHS back when they ust to win the cannabis cup like every year but had a falling out and left starting mr nice shortly after and he supposedly took his genes with him. Black widow is supposidly the TRUE white widow ima try that strain first. Love me some widow still have a Dinafem widow to grow out we'll see how she does compared to the GHS WW. How'd the microwave treat you?


Well-Known Member
My buddy actually hooked me up with some mid till mine dries at least so I didn't have to turn to that yet. Scissor hash also fucked me up good


Well-Known Member
Nice you lucky bastard Scissor hash is my favorite thing about chopping or trim work i get all crazy about it and clean every couple cuts so as not to have it come off during a cut or something i fn love that shit. If i grew in larger amounts i would get myself my own 8 pak of bubble bags so i could have pure melt every harvest. Glad your smoking my man now i just need to find something to go in my bong and we'll both be doing alright hahahahah:-) Dude the widow has grown like 5 inches in 3 days and the crazy thing is the nodes haven't stretch much so its just exploding with growth:-) Also the dro is twice as big now and growing twice as fast as the other seedlings the same age but sadly i think a few aren't going to fit in my flower cab so i might finished some out in the veg or just veg some till the ones in flower finish i was planing on flowering them all but the widow has taken over the box in the last week so idk anymore but you know me i'll rig something up hahaha:-)


Well-Known Member
Heres a small update for ya guys widow has taken over my box as you can see, everything else is growing good im just loving this 150w HPS from HTG supply I dont think i would have been able to go this big in the box without it. The penatration diffrence between CFL and the HPS dont even compare the hps lights the widow from top to bottom while cfl only down to the middle so bottom and side lighting are a must with CFL and more of a added light with the HPS if that makes sense its more like added light instead of trying to make up for the lack of light anyways im loving it and so are the plants enough of my rambles here the pics are
Not in order just like they never are but the first one is the newest pic the rest a few days old. The pic with the tape its hard to tell but its around 15 inches tall.


Well-Known Member
Nope was just to even out the canopy its already facing back up toward the light but the canopy is more even now and spread out so more tops are getting light. Im just over two weeks in budding so nothing drastic i still plan on topping her in a few places in another 2 weeks just to see what it does and how the buds form because of it.


Well-Known Member
Nope was just to even out the canopy its already facing back up toward the light but the canopy is more even now and spread out so more tops are getting light. Im just over two weeks in budding so nothing drastic i still plan on topping her in a few places in another 2 weeks just to see what it does and how the buds form because of it.

Sounds good my man ,

Im usurious to what your gonna harvest lol


Well-Known Member
Should have some fat nuggets in another 8 weeks hahahaha widow is a 10 week strain im hoping that everything in the flower box right now is done around the same time give or take a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it took me a minute but i figured it out and your not a dunce put on spell check and right click everything that has red lines under it muahahahah just flipping you shit brother! Hahaha Hope everything is good your way buddy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it took me a minute but i figured it out and your not a dunce put on spell check and right click everything that has red lines under it muahahahah just flipping you shit brother! Hahaha Hope everything is good your way buddy.
Yea yea i know lol

Been a rough evening over here ,

Fussed at my daughter for like 2 hours , then their mom came by and me and her fussed then we both fussed at my daughter , then me and the ex fused again ugh lol


Well-Known Member
Fuck that shit hahahahah im sry bro that does not sound like fun. Ive been transplanting and just being bored out of my mind. Now im just trying to figure out what to fix myself for dinner and watching some warehouse 13 on hulu


Well-Known Member
Yea i know you dont bullshit hahahah just be smart about it i would be fucking heated to they not my kids and im a little red under the collar. If i was there i would have your back brother.


Well-Known Member
Yea i know you dont bullshit hahahah just be smart about it i would be fucking heated to they not my kids and im a little red under the collar. If i was there i would have your back brother.
I know my man

But i can handle this lil bitch my man , best believe