CFL Longevity ???


Elite Rolling Society
Does anyone know how long a Spiral CFL bulb will perform as good as new or as close to good as new before it becomes less efficient????

I have read that although a CFL will still make LIGHT it does not perform as well after one or two grows. (sort of like tanning bulbs)
I have done two grows with about ten bulbs and I am wondering if I need to toss them and buy news ones, or if I can use them again.

I would surely appreciate a knowledgable or experienced answer and will give REP if you can support your answer with facts or back-up documentation.

THANK you very much,



Active Member
i pretty sure after time the lumens on CFLs go down so i would replace them and put the old ones in a lamp or some shit around the house.


Well-Known Member
They dim over time, even at the end of their life span they are still very efficient, I would keep them.

If you had 15% loss of power on six 26 watt CFLs, you would be losing about 24 watts due to dimming over time. Say you compensated by adding an additional 26 watt CFL, you would only be paying an extra $3 for 120 days of 12/12 light cycle at $0.08/kwh. Versus $10-$15 buying a whole new pack of CFLs.

In order for them to be cost effective to chuck, you would need to be paying more then $0.30/kwh for your electricity, or have CFLs that lose over 60% of their efficiency over time.

Better yet, just stick them in your everyday light fixtures.