cfl lights

ow meny cfl's do i need i have 4 plants 1 in budding stadge but its a auto so i keep it in with the vegging plants on a 16/8 timer i want to no how meny i will need and wat wattege


Active Member
I used 3 23W 2700k cfl's per plant for my first grow and it turned out ok. The more light the better though
I have upgraded to a 400w hps since then and never looked back.


Well-Known Member
I have 5 plants, they're 2 weeks old apart from 1 of them which was born Yesterday! I'm only using a 200w 2700k CFL at the minute, but will be adding more CFL's. I'll probably have 4 30w = 117w CFL's to compliment it as they get bigger.


they say to be on the safe side you must have adlest 100watts per plant, so in your case id say 3 to 4 150 watt CFls and you sorted :)