Cfl lights for flowering useless?

Hey guys, my plants are doing extremely well under cfl's in the veg stage right now. Question is the guy at my local hydro store said they will be useless for flowering. Has anyone had successful yields with cfl's or is he right? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
they are not useless. However don't expect to pull the same yield off as one using an HID or LEDs. If they worked well in veg and you're using the proper technique you're good. The thing about flowering with CFLs is the fact that the plants are no longer as uniform as they are in veg. So if this is you're first try, expect to do alot of adjusting of the lights ...maybe burning a leaf or few. It's doable.

for future reference ..using T5s, LEDs or HPS/MH is alot easier once you get everything dialed in. Also consider the source. A hydro guys job is to sell. So of course he's going to tell you what you need to hear to spend money with him..
True enough, very helpful, it's my first grow and I didn't want to spend 200 dollars on a light he was trying to sell me when I didn't know if this something I would be in to. I'm addicted now so the lighting you suggested will be purchased in the future lol. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Nonsense. CFL's if used PROPERLY can yield amazing results. Dime good choice on waiting to pull the trigger. I l also am intrigued by LED. Change hydro stores?
Yeah from what I've researched LED seems to be the new wave, I just don't have enough experience. Who cares with dirt cheap cfl's for a first time grow. Yes pickpocket, probly find a new hydro store, he told me beans wouldn't even grow.


Well-Known Member
True enough, very helpful, it's my first grow and I didn't want to spend 200 dollars on a light he was trying to sell me when I didn't know if this something I would be in to. I'm addicted now so the lighting you suggested will be purchased in the future lol. Thanks again!
You asked a logical question... and got a correct answer...
Agreed... CFL's will give you bud, just not as much as HPS/MH....
I veg in CFL... keeping the lights close to plant tops easy, and plants get moved every day....
In Bud- Combination of MH/HPS small construction lights, which are totally wrong, and etc...
However... they work fine...
Home Depot/Lowes sells HPS 75 watt 'flood' lights for around $55...
Hydro store wants to sell you hydro store lights....with fancy hoods...
Sometimes you need to wade through all the bull sheiot stacked up...

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
I just finished a grow using CFLs start to finish, after it's all dry it should be almost 2 oz from one plant, with no LST, Supercropping, or Topping (Using those methods you could increase yield even more)
These are a couple pics of what I wound up with. I'm not saying they are better than HID grows or anything, but to me they seem far from useless.



Well-Known Member
I too am in the middle of flower with just CFL's. What i did was construct my own hoods so I could direct as much cfl light as possible. Im running just about 200 watts for plant. So far so good. I also have a few clamp light cfls positioned around the lower canopy to get some more light in there.


Well-Known Member
DSC_0005.jpgDSC_0010.jpgDSC_0014.jpg Show and Tell time!! Lol here's my two babies. ALL CFL grow. First two Sativa Dom Bagseed - 4 weeks flower. Third pic is a Indica Dom Bagseed - two weeks in flower.


Well-Known Member
I flowered a monster bubblicious plant under CFL's. I just bought those huge 105 actual watt kind and suspended them over the tops. And put the smaller 23 watts all around it. You just have to POUR on the cfl's and keep them close. I used about 400 actual watts of CFL's to flower, one plant and ended up with around 3 ounces:-)
I flowered a monster bubblicious plant under CFL's. I just bought those huge 105 actual watt kind and suspended them over the tops. And put the smaller 23 watts all around it. You just have to POUR on the cfl's and keep them close. I used about 400 actual watts of CFL's to flower, one plant and ended up with around 3 ounces:-)
Holy shit....3 ounces?, I only have 8 23w cfl's.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit....3 ounces?, I only have 8 23w cfl's.
Totally doable... just have to learn some techniques. And even without doing LST, super cropping, or a scrog you can do that. I think im looking at somewhere around 3 oz with one of my plants now. Indica dom, topped it early, and supercropped later.


Well-Known Member
You can flower with cfls....
Photo02271103_1-1.jpg...I've been doing it for almost 3yrs now.You got some pics of your setup?GL.