CFL light question (Again 8)!


Active Member
First post as well, hola.

Well I decided to try and grow some pot a few weeks ago, so I looked up a few things and bought a few lights / set some stuff up.

Right now I have x2 42 watt soft white cfl's + x2 27 watt daylight cfl's attached in a pretty damn small grow room that's a little bigger then your average computer case.

The entire thing is lined with aluminum foil for reflectivity / I have a fan blowing in it to keep it cool / new oxygen.

PH of the soil is 6.5ish. (Or should be, if it's the same as the PH of the water!)

So I'm just wondering, would I be able to grow one pretty decent plant with that light setup / general setup? I figure since it should be at about 9660 lumens with much reflectivity + a small space it would turn out pretty good.


Well-Known Member
yeah man thats plenty of light for veg deffinatly. but yeah trash the foil it will cause more harm than help. go to a craft store and get some mylar wraping paper if ur looking for a cheap solution. or just go to the hyrdro store and get some real mylar or panda plastic. if its ur first time i recomend panda plastic. its really cheap and really easy to work. check out my grow sounds pretty similar to what u will be doin.


Active Member
Alright thanks, do you guys think Home Depot would have anything I could use as a sub for the tin foil? I have plenty of money (150-200 for spending myself, and my friend should have 50-100), but I'm not sure if they sell mylar there or not, probably, right?

ASAP would be an awesome reply, since after I get done with my haircut we were going to head on out there. We were planning on picking up a smaller fan anyways to help with cooling, so this should be a nice touch.

Ah, and one more question, are there any nutes that would be good for a vegging plant that would be common / easy to pick up? Again, let's say from a place like Home Depot, since I can't use online sources. (Only 18*, stealth grow.)


ONE more question, inorder to see if my plant is male or if it is female I was planning on keeping them on the 12 / 12 hour light schedule for a while to see the sex. As SOON as I knew it was a female (Hopefully) I was going to switch back to vegging via a 18/6ish light hour schedule. (On when I am awake, off when I sleep.)

Would this work? Or would something happen to the plant?

BTW- They are already a few weeks into vegging, I just decided to start posting since this seems like a pretty good site for info.

Thanks all. : )

edit- Oh and I will measure the size of the room. Pictures would go up, but I only have a shitty camera phone, so it would probably not be worth it in honesty. I'll see what I can do though.

edit edit- Oh and I will probably be getting x2 more red light / x1 more blue light CFL's (Little ones) to line the top of the box with. Adding another (Hopefully) 21ish watts. :D


Well-Known Member
so you are not 18?? as this is a 18 only site,,,,so i cant help you sorry you cant stay on rollitup!!!!