cfl in the plant!!!!


Well-Known Member
i went out to the dollar store yesterday and i picked up a cfl... it is like a 6400k or somthing its really blue... its only a 20w but what i like about it it that it doesn't really get hot, maybe a lil warm but nothing like the spiral bulbs....
well i am growing a plant in a dwc settup that is being LST'ed. The plant is really bushy and i was afraid that the lights wouldnt get to the inside so i tried to shove the 20w cfl inside/under the plant... as u can see in the picture i just layed the bulb on my grow medium under all the branches. the temps right there are actualy only like 85 f...thinking about grabing a few of these and throwing them basicly in/under all my plants...



Well-Known Member
maybe not on underside but it does send light to the leaves on the bottom... i noticed with my normal lights the medium is dark but when i have the light in there it lights up EVERYTHING.. figured it was getting the underside as well as the top of the leaves too... soo in your opinion even throwing light in there like that wont do much??? or am i right about getting some light in there


leaves absorb light through the top part of the leaf and respire (breath) through the stomata on the underside of leaf.... not sure whether it would hurt, but wont really help.... its like putting food in your butt rather than your mouth.... just doesnt really work that way.... i dont grow with cfls, but do supplement with em sometimes, but if i were you, i would buy at least 2larger cfls (65w or better) to use above the plants, and then move the ones currently above them around for side lighting... side lighting helps, under doesnt.... looks pretty good though bro; keep it growin


Well-Known Member
leaves absorb light through the top part of the leaf and respire (breath) through the stomata on the underside of leaf.... not sure whether it would hurt, but wont really help.... its like putting food in your butt rather than your mouth.... just doesnt really work that way.... i dont grow with cfls, but do supplement with em sometimes, but if i were you, i would buy at least 2larger cfls (65w or better) to use above the plants, and then move the ones currently above them around for side lighting... side lighting helps, under doesnt.... looks pretty good though bro; keep it growin
LMFAO butt food


ummm, your wrong about that. ever put a shot of hard alcohol in your butt? I guarantee you'll get drunk very fast, and all it takes is 1 shot.
no, but i did know a homeless chick that did that to make it stretch further... but that is different; you cant stick a drumstick up your ass and call yourself eating... im sorry, it just doesnt work that way.

i dont think i want to drink with you... surely not gonna use your beer funnel:lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
well i thought that it would reflect of the bottom of the leaves toward the top and reflect off and hit the top leaves of the ones below it... yeah i have like 5 26w. 2 30w 3000k, 2 30w 6400k, and that one 20w under the plant... but i know what u mean maybe im just hoping to much


Active Member
i put cfls in my plant. it seems to work great.. not for the stuff above it but the lower leaves continue to stay green longer and build greater buds.. just my 2 cents