CFL,HPS,BOTH? indoor grow setup help


Well-Known Member
hey all. my first attemp at growing in a pc box with 5 x 20w cfls was not successful for some reason. had a greta cheese plant growing, but i think i gave it to much nutrients and it burnt and dried out. the top bud got all dry and shit ( any reasons? )

anyway,i chucked out the pc case and thought of growing in a larger space that wasn't so limted for space... thinking of either constructing a wooden box, a cupboard/cabinet or built in cupboard.

most importantly, what must the dimensions be if i had to construct a grow box to house around 4 plants scrOG method. all i want is to produce enough quality bud for me to smoke. i would love to try the hps light 150w but i have 100w of cfls already... maybe both depending on grow box size?



Active Member
I suggest starting the plants on CFLs, in their first 3 weeks (or MH if you can/want to). After that move to HPS. The HPS doesn't cover the white/blue spectrum of light, which promotes foliar growth and root development; think of the CFLs/MH as being the spring, and with the HPS, you bring the hot sunny summer in. You want your plants to have a strong stem and root in order to get the best of them throughout the "season".

Of course, if your setup can handle it, you could use a mix of CFLs (those being placed around the plants), and the HPS, on top. The HPS will be way farther from the plants than the CFLs. This will provide ALL light spectrums and the plants should develop faster.


Active Member
I suggest starting the plants on CFLs, in their first 3 weeks (or MH if you can/want to). After that move to HPS. The HPS doesn't cover the white/blue spectrum of light, which promotes foliar growth and root development; think of the CFLs/MH as being the spring, and with the HPS, you bring the hot sunny summer in. You want your plants to have a strong stem and root in order to get the best of them throughout the "season".

Of course, if your setup can handle it, you could use a mix of CFLs (those being placed around the plants), and the HPS, on top. The HPS will be way farther from the plants than the CFLs. This will provide ALL light spectrums and the plants should develop faster.
i agree with him, should start off with the cfls for sure 6500k then later you can add the hps but keep your cfls in there they do work great spread them around the plant im using all cfl but i have over 200 watts on 1 plant which is growing really nicely after you start flower throw a few 2700k cfl in there, and watch your soil ph too it almost got me i thought it was nutrient problems but found out it was a lockout from acidic soil!! Good luck man hope this helps