CFL Horiz or Vert Mounting


Well-Known Member
Just curious how everyone else places CFL lights, either Horiz or Vertical and with reflector or no reflector when placing over plants.....I have used the Y adapters but that adds to much length to the fixture for my liking, I am going to remount mine and add some additional lamps today and hoping I can get some feedback from people who are using CFL for complete grows.


Well-Known Member
Mine are vertical but they have the shop light clamp lights..I took the clamp off and they hang..

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
horizontal on the tops of the plants and vertical if using them for side lighting ,and a reflecter is a must with any light ,if not your losing half the light right away .


New Member
Well, the side of a cfl is what eminates the most light. so the more of the side of the bulb you have towards the plant the better. And YES a reflector (Can be made out of tin cans) reflect ALOT of light that would otherwise be wasted. The more CLS the better but too many in one bunch can cause heat problems believe it or not. Good luck


Well-Known Member
diggla im not trying to bash you or anything buddy, and that cfl setup looks cool, but I think some of the cfls on the sides of that reflector are a bit to far away from the plant, and they may not be giving it that many lumens. Just a suggestion. : )


Active Member
Thanks for the suggestion.. always good to hear other peoples opinions.
That hood is actually giving light to 4 plants , here's a pic/ low budget operation.

