CFL hanging question!!


lamp.jpglamp1.jpg How should i suspend/hang/set these up?
I have two to hang in a 4x4ft and 7ft tall closet space...any feedback is welcome and appriciated
Hello friend, I am executing my first grow so I know relatively little. However, I am using similar materials and I decided to hang my clamp reflectors on an adjustable shower rod. (I went without a rod in my shower for a few days before I could make a run to Wal-Mart. :-P) You can see the setup in the first two pictures of this thread.

A minor drawback is that you will be able to adjust the vertical height of the clamp reflectors very little to get them closer to your plants. You will either have to move the rod or place flat items underneath your plant containers to raise them to the light. You also cannot use a shower rod to shine light on the sides of plants, so you will need a vertical pole, piece of lumber, etc., to hold the clamp reflectors in position.

There are surely better setups, but this is one idea.