cfl growers got something for you


Well-Known Member
so this is my thought. as soon as im done with this cfl grow i wont be needing any of my stuff anymore bulbs sockets stuff like that. so if your willing to pay shipping i will send it all to you for free. if anyone is interested let me know. just trying to help out a lucky someone. if more than one person wants it ill figure something out do a quiz or something whoever has the highest score gets it sound good?
Any bets how long it'll be before a newb wants you to ship AND pay shipping too? :(


Active Member
im prolby good i can make it for the cost of shipping im thinking im going to have a way better grow coming up ull see


Well-Known Member
good on ya grorite!! thats a really cool thing to do for that lucky someone. Where are u?? usa? +rep for that mate
I'd really like some free stuff, I have never grown before but I will start soon and I have to buy all the equipment and everything, and I don't really know what I need yet, if you could give me something you used to grow it would be awesome. But I live in europe so the shipping would probably be pretty expensive... but if it ends up being cheaper than buying everything then it's still cool.
Nevermind, I just got banned on adfly for some reason, lost around 60$ that I was supposed to get this month, now I have like 12$ on paypal so probably couldn't afford shipping anyway.


Active Member
Ya whats the big move? I hope you're not hangin it up for good! I've checked some of your pics and looks like you grow some good shyte!


Well-Known Member
Well seeing as grorite is helping out others I suppose since it's the holidays I feel I should do the same.

I'll throw up my cfl veg setup as I really have no use for it anymore. It's got a total of 312 actual watts. I'l include everything I have for it. Power strips, reflectors, timer basically everything to start a small 2-3 plant grow.

Sorry for jacking your thread gro just felt like it was a good time of the year to be sharing.


Well-Known Member
Hook me up guys building my new box and can't finish untill I can get more lights on the flower side


hey man thats awsome there are still people like you out here willing to help out a fellow newbie, and not looking for the all mighty buck.Thats a nice thing you are doing ( god will take care of you on your next grow may there be lbs and lbs for ya) If you want to keep me in mind i would be very appricative. Thanks man grow on:weed:


Active Member
If you have any bulbs and sockets to spare id love some i have two ladies growing now but on a very tight budget so no extra for anything and I'm pretty sure one of them is dying from the lack of light only have two 20wat as of now :-( any help would be greatly appreciated