cfl grow. tell me what you think


Well-Known Member
this is my little winter project to keep me busy. you can normally find me tilling the soil out under the sun but to keep me from going insane during another Chicago winter, this will have to do. its nothing special i know, but please give some input on what could be improved or if you have any questions.

2- 80mm low profile fans (one inside circulating and one on top to vent)
5- 100 watt equivalent cfl bulbs. 2700k each i believe
1- thermometer

all plants are on and have been started from 12/12 light cycle. i dont want them to get to big, just big enough to look pretty, keep me busy and provide some personals.

plants- 13 total, all random bag seed. 2/13 have shown female sex traits. other 11 are still sprouts.

soil- random mixture of potting soil and organic materials

fertilizer- miracle grow plant formula / miracle grow bloom booster once flowering begins. (the large plant has already recived a few treatments of the bloom booster and shows noticeable growth. for low budget grows, i highly recommend it. make sure to flush 2 weeks prior to harvest tho)


Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
Looking good Nice Guy! Keep up the work, I feel you though I have something simple going on right now too during the winter inside using CFLs. Lemme ask though, those 100 watters, are they 23/26 watts? Just wondering cause I know most bulbs come in a smaller wattage but it'll say like the equivalent of 100 or 150 watts, jw? From the looks of things ur doing what you need to be doing, what I would suggest is getting some stronger bulbs...maybe some 42 watters at the least. Most can be found either online and wally world sells em too. They work wonders, it took some trials to figure out but these plants love lots of light. So even if you could only add 1-2, you'll see the difference in a days time due to the greater intensity of the CFL light. I dont have anything bad to say about ur grow, other than to increase the lights...u WILL NOT be disappointed in the end. Cheers


Well-Known Member
just after posting the thread, i totally reconstructed the closet setup. i doubled the area and put 3 more lights in. for a grand total of (1) 150 watt cfl and a random assortment of (7) 100 watters and 75 watters. same fan setup. pictures to follow. this is my first micro grow and really interests me. im curious to see how much i can really grow out of these lil guys. as i said all but one are sprouts. the large one was my first test plant to see if i could keep them small indoors. i will be making a grow journal and reposting this under growjournal forum as chicago microgrow.