CFL Grow setup "Banana OG"


Active Member
You got enough light for the both of them, thing is, you may want some more cheap cfls to position in by the bud sites, get bigger denser buds, know what I mean?

din'e medicine

Active Member
What if i add one more shoplight with two-bulbs, 3400 lum. ea. and two 42 watt CFl's,hanging down the sides, would that be better?


Active Member
any body know what i can expect ive gone from using twin aircooled 600 to the enviros after losing my setup and crop the yeids where massive as i was growing in coco with an 8 pot system i was only using 3 pots tho and the scrog method to give them room to stretch and i'm quite worried the enviros wont quite match up to the hids even tho they are specially for growing with so anyway back to my original question any body any idea what the yeild could be i have 3 enviros in a1.5 meter square cupboard using scrog with coco

din'e medicine

Active Member
My clones are in a rockwool. Two clones. Check out the first posts. And you, rainbud! You need to start your own post and not steal other peoples threads to post your own.

din'e medicine

Active Member
3 weeks and one day since ive been growing these beauties from fresh cloning. The stronger one is starting its 12 hour darkness today while the other small one is tied up still vegging under two 105 watt Flouros. What you guys think of my LST? especially the one which is behind. It has to catch up to flowering time!



Well-Known Member
nice LSTing dine...very nice...cant wait to see her in like 4-5 weeks...she'll be budding all over the damn place...peace:leaf:


Active Member
What if i add one more shoplight with two-bulbs, 3400 lum. ea. and two 42 watt CFl's,hanging down the sides, would that be better?
That would definitely help, the more light the better as they say! But like I said, if you can direct good light onto the bud sites, they will grow bigger and denser, which is exactly what we are all looking for! Good luck, Ill keep an eye on your thread.:peace:

din'e medicine

Active Member
yea im going to use those light clamps for under foilage and bud sites along with 42 watt CFL's. I just need to think more about how im going to do that....? hmm.


Active Member
I know what you mean, Im using some really rigged up shit, lol. Ive got wires all over the place and no clamps, lol. Im using tape!! And zip ties! I have to reposition every day which turns out to be pretty time consuming, but I dont mind spending time with my plant. Its relaxing!

din'e medicine

Active Member
To me this is very therapeutic. I do get lost in my project and hours fly by, but thats ok, because, we all need to calm down and enjoy whats now. I watch my plant grow everyday from veg to full bloom, and it amazes me how wonderful a plant can be in so many ways.


Active Member
Ive been in there a few times as soon as the lights come on, and I come back out and Im like, "Shit, were did the last 2 hours go?"

din'e medicine

Active Member
Today is the first official day of flowering 12/12. Before that i had the light on 24hrs. then switched when i turned it off for 12hrs. darkness. Ive ben trying to reposition the fan better but no hope yet.

din'e medicine

Active Member
I just watered them down awile ago, so here are some updates. The small one is still vegging while the big bush is flowering. 2days flowering and 25 days growing. I did some new tie downs and cut off some leaves from the vegger. So far so good! is my ph ok? Its below 8? How long you guys think this Banana:leaf:Og will take to flower??



Lookin nice.... I am doing the same thing they are about the same age and are clones as well the only thing is I got all cfls I will post some pic as soon as I can my home CPU is down and it won't let me post pics with my phone but I will let you know when they are posted.... Keep it up they are looking nice....