Cfl Grow Questions


Active Member
So I'm planning to grow some Kali Mist but have a couple questions I'd like to have answered before I go ahead and germinate. I'm somewhat limited to where I can grow(I have a roommate and while he is totally fine with my growing I'd rather his friends/family not be made aware of my grow). This being said, I only have 1 available outlet in my choice location. I'm not looking to overload things so I hope to limit the number of lights I have going in addition to my fan. I was hoping to get away with 4 23 watt cfl's... which brings up my questions

1. is this at all a reasonable amount of light for a lone plant (i'm looking at 4800 lumens)?
2. I don't know much as far as electrical goes but on the same circuit we have a fridge and a sump pump... could i add another light or two with no trouble? ideally i'd like 5 or 6 bulbs
3. what size should I flower at if I only have 4 bulbs? 10 inches or so? i plan on going with some lst
4. lastly... what type of yield can i expect with 4 bulbs assuming ideal conditions?

many thanks for any info


Well-Known Member
1. For a small plant or 2 6-8 bulbs would be good. 2. I'm not an electrical expert, but i dont think 46-92 more watts would make much of a difference on the electricity. I could be wrong though so you should try to look on google and find out what the exact numbers and such you need to look at to figure it out for sure. 3.when your plant is about 1/3 of the maximum size of your space, plants get around 3 times as large as they were when they entered the stretch phase of flowering and its much you'd get depends on the size of the containers you intend to use as well. w/4 bulbs and one plant you could probably get a half ounce to an ounce w/good lsting it. W/8 you can get an ounce or 2 without much effort once you do get it all dialed in and get a few grows under your belt.


Well-Known Member
well to find out about the electric you just have to know what aamp your fuse/breaker is> say like me my 3 80 w cslf are on a 5amp breaker that only has lights on it so for me to find out how many lights i can use i did this (amp x voltage = watts) so i got 240 outlet 5 amp fuse so i can have 1200 wats on it, there are 4 other 30w cfls in my room and the room across that also uses the breaker so 1200-160 w am left with 1040w now my 3 80 take 240 then 1040-240 =800 w left i can put on the fuse / breaker

and as for flowering size, flower them when there 1/2 the size you want them to be.


Active Member
if doing anything above 150 watts , i suggest just going to hps , so many lumens per watt, but keeping to cfls cuz this is a cfl forum , 4x 23 watt bulbs seems like quite a waste of time dude , I suggest amping them up to atleast 4x 42 watt cfls 2300k bulbs for flowering , for no more than 2 plants , and expect fluffy buds , you will no be getting to dense of sticky buds lol. And i wouldnt veg for more than a month under that lighting , fuck id put Y splitters in all 4 of those sockets and use 8x42 watts...8-10 weeks is a lot of time...wasting it under shitty lighting makes it even more than a wastse, yet again no disrepsect towards cfls at all , i would just up the wattage man , my 250 watt hps + 100 watt cfl veg , only cost me about 20$ a month?

if that.


Well-Known Member
LST + cfl's = good match for a small setup
an LST lets you place the cfls right where you need them
i did a LST with 3 26w cfl's, got an oz of dried bud