CFL Grow Attempt #1


Hey all, been lurking for a while now, lurking, learning, same difference..

All the information I've absorbed from these forums and several links to other sites from these forums has inspired me to attempt my first grow I've decided to begin with a small CFL setup and wish to share my experience.

A closet grow, my closet is 500mm x 400mm x 1500mm, I have a 2x 36w (4ft) Fluro running vertically opposite the door and a moveable panel with 9 sockets suitable for CFL's. My lighting panel for this first grow has the CFL's vertical above the plants, yes I've read horizontal is better but for simplicity I've chosen this method. To keep costs low I decided to paint the inside with white paint as I am just intending this first grow to be a learning experience.

Here are 2 pictures of my closet one with the rear vertical 2x36w on, the other with it turned off. Also 7/9 of my globes are running over the seedlings. All 3 on both the outside rows and the middle of the middle. At present these CFL's are of the daylight colour (6500K), more suited to the vegetive growth These pictures also have my 2 pots with 4 day old seedlings.



Day 4:

Here are a few pictures of my seedlings progress on day 4. They are only bag seeds planted into generic potting mix. I planted 2 seeds in each pot but sadly my cat knocked one over during germination, I left it and 1 of 2 seeds sprouted anyway. So I have 2 in one pot and 1 in the other. I intend on having 2 plants and tipping one of them to compare the difference in health/behaviour/growth that occurs between them. 7x 23w 6500k CFL's have been on 24/0 since first seedlings sprouted. Currently my closet is running at 29-32C it varies greatly due to hot days and cold nights.

Please any and all tips are appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Looks realy good, I love the way you raise your lights on the shelf, very clever. I would put a fan on em to stimulate the stem to grow thicker, an prolly mix in one red cfl for balance ( my plants seem to like it). The best weed ive ever had was bag seed that i grew ! Blows all the kind buds ive had away. Good luck with the grow!


Looks realy good, I love the way you raise your lights on the shelf, very clever. I would put a fan on em to stimulate the stem to grow thicker, an prolly mix in one red cfl for balance ( my plants seem to like it). The best weed ive ever had was bag seed that i grew ! Blows all the kind buds ive had away. Good luck with the grow!
I got a little bit excited and germed my seeds before my closet was 100% ready.. If you click to the larger picture of my setup you may notice the 2x 12v batteries. I currently have 1x 100mm fan and 1x 50mm fan running off 12v batteries. The 100m is flowing horizontally while the 50mm is on the opposite side flowing vertically. I intend to install a 100-150mm ducted exhaust that will run 1 hour on hour off accompanying the 2x 12v fans I have for circulation at present. This exhaust shall be installed before flowering and vent into into my eves/ceiling. I only plan on 2 plants I believe this will solve my odour problem ( I live out the back in a granny flat with no problems even if it is smelt )

All Feedback appreciated.


Just a few close-ups of my babies if your interested.

Also I'm wondering pro's and con's with using a larger pot housing the 2 plants I intend to finish up with or the 3 for now compared with each their own pot?

Thanks for viewing the start of my journal.



Day 7:

Here is day 7 of my seedling's which i am looking forward to soon calling my plants.. I intend to introduce nutrients on day 14 at only a half strength. Prior to a visit to my local hydro store I am unable to say as yet if I'll end up with a 2 part or the simpler 1 part nutrients.

As these are only young plants I can't expect alot of feedback. I ask if any viewers of my post have any ideas for my closet please post them.

Also one question.

You may notice a little curling in the leaves of one of the plants which is sharing a pot.. It just puzzles me because the plant is all green, not in a different lighting situation to the other plants and yet the leaves have started to turn in a circular motion.

Thanks again for taking the time to read my post



Well-Known Member
I would separate them right away because they will start fighting for root space. And start the nutes at 1/3 strength just to be safe.


Day 20:

Some updates.

One of the two plants which was sharing a pot became very stunted and lost some of it's lower leaves. It became a clear choice which plant I had to remove from that pot. I have chosen to keep this plant. I brushed it's roots and tipped it then put it into a smaller pot.. This plant will just be an experiment.

As you can see some of the lower leaves are starting to develop a little yellow throughout their leaves. Is this a sign they are low on nutrients? I'm thinking it is as they are only in cheap potting mix and I haven't added any nutes yet.

Any advice?

