CFL grow - ALL REMOTE CONTROL - want a few custom ideas - Monday is deadline


Active Member
I still dont understand why ya just dont use a flood and drain system as then it will realy be automated and you should be able to leave for about a week?


Active Member
Cuz I'm still paranoid & don't trust the whole pump idea. I'd just like to make it look good. Usually I spend shit loads in professional equipment & the room looks like hell but effective..>I wan't BOTH ANDDDDD a stealth box haha. The room it sets in (the fridge) is having the door way taken off as we speak. It's having a bookshelf attached to metal hinges & metal frame to a concrete wall. I like the whole secret agent style shit haha


Active Member
i want the pump for this, but that doesn't mean i want to use it anymore than I have to once I started thinking about it..That's why I started to second guess the pumps but then decided they'd add a nice dazzle to the setup


Active Member
lol, I just dont understand why ya want to complicate things without any benifit? you could get a clone room, veg room and flower room all into 1 fridge giveing you much more bud in a much smaller time and a lot more of a wicked setup!


Active Member
The reason for that is simple. Up until about 10 years ago, this country took to the death penalty for a nice little setup like that. I'm talking, the weed laws here are fucking mad & I'd rather not get greedy with my setup. 10 plants is already pushing it a bit.


Active Member
But now I'm frantically looking for a new fridge because the guy called (and today being holiday) has it in storage. Him, being as irresponsible as he is, doesn't have a key. Now, I'm frantically searching on ebay, olx, and craigslist & nobody sells here so it blows. My plants are going to be awake today & I need them in a setup. Can you recommend anything off the top of your head setup like a fridge that's easily accessible worldwide? I'm so fucking pissed..Like seriously, don't tell me I can get it today & not come through. Shit! Especially telling me at the same time that I'm supposed to be expecting!


Active Member
Any old wardrobe/cupboard will do! I used a set of draws and converted it.

what country ya from? as if its the amount of plants thats bad ya might want a few bigger ones or do a scrog grow?

In england we allowed 10 plants as "personal use" and just get a slaped hand, altough I see someone with 200 plants get cought and just get a slaped hand, lol


Active Member
sweet! do you understand what a perpetual grow meens? mum-clones-veg-flower all together to get a batch every few weeks. I have tested and a 2L bottle is not big enough. if you can get square extra deep pots this is cool for size but with the tests I have done anything under 5L is a bit small and affects grow speed and bud size. I will show ya my plants in 2L, 3L, and 7L pot sizes all same room, age, strain and mum and you can tell me what ya think.


Active Member
yes, i understand..look at the setup...locks on the doors even haha..i feel much safer doing this....1 liter is all you need to go straight into flowering...weight can't be supported, but that's what a stake is for come week can absolutely be done...5L is a huge step to say it's the smallest you can grow in


Well-Known Member
why do you say that hid lights are more expensive to run than cfls? to get the same amount of lumens from cfls you will have to run more wattage than a hid. also cfl lights put out just as much heat as hid lights if not more because more of their energy is converted into heat. i think you wouild be better off running a 250 watt hps then your 400 watts of cfls. it will keep your box cooler, youll have better light penetration, less hassle adjusting lights, youll probably get around the same yeild, and your electricity bill will be much lower. to run that many cfls is just a mess of cords and sockets, and that many lights will get very hot in that small space. your probobly gonna need like 10 of those pc fans, so you might be better of just using a couple for intake, and then get a decent inline fan for exhaust.


Active Member
My lights come on in 5 hours if im still about I will show ya my plants, you can see my tests then decide.


Active Member
why do you say that hid lights are more expensive to run than cfls? to get the same amount of lumens from cfls you will have to run more wattage than a hid. also cfl lights put out just as much heat as hid lights if not more because more of their energy is converted into heat. i think you wouild be better off running a 250 watt hps then your 400 watts of cfls. it will keep your box cooler, youll have better light penetration, less hassle adjusting lights, youll probably get around the same yeild, and your electricity bill will be much lower. to run that many cfls is just a mess of cords and sockets, and that many lights will get very hot in that small space. your probobly gonna need like 10 of those pc fans, so you might be better of just using a couple for intake, and then get a decent inline fan for exhaust.
look at my first grow in my sig to see what can be done with over 100 x11w cfl's +150w MH and 5 120cm PC fans!


Active Member
The size space I have now, I'm not going to need 10 fans. I'm not putting a scrubber on it until about the 4th week, in which I'll double up. Fans I ended up buying push 99-104cfm. If you look it up & do the formula with the floor area & wattage being produced (not consumed), intake & current temp inside, 2 of these fans (without scrubber) are more than enought to move the air and keep it at a nice 91 degrees. If you'll read the post, hid & hps are absolutely impossible to buy here. Therefore, regardless, I only have the option to use cfl's. Cfl's light penetration is fine if you move your lights/plants & it's not really a hassle to move them up and down. I've changed to 6-65w cfl available & 1-32watt circular. 3 @ 11w & 3 @ 13w + 32 watts circular. That's a total of 104. Even with the original 7 + circular, you're looking at 147. 250 is still higher than 147 last time I checked :P


Active Member
Another thing...I don't get why so many people are against CFL's when for the amount you spend on the hid, you could several cfl grows going on & produce the same amount (if not more) because you can really get those cfl's close for denser nugs.

**I'm not worried about overall lumens, and for the amount of space I'm devoting to the 3x3 formation, there will be MORE than enough lumens than required for the size.


Active Member
Its all about watts to grams.

my 100+ 11w cfl's + 150w MH total = 1250w I got 207 grams

A TOP grower can get close to 600 grams with a single 600w HPS!

Cost of electric/grams pays for itself in 1 grow, also ya can get HPS at any main eletrical wholsale for outside lighting for cheap.

but cfl are a good way to learn with realy cheap outlay


Active Member
i like the way the cabinet is set up...I may and may not make it a perpetual grow...I'm kind of fond of this strand that I've got going that originally came from two different strands here somewhere in Asia. I'm tempted to grow one large plant in a 5 gallon bucket on the right side & do my 3x3 in the center...or vice versa..I'm really not sure how I want it setup just yet...I'll know more when I actually get the wardrobe & have a chance to view it in person for the first time....3x3 may end up being best on the right side where the mirrored door is...just depends if the lights are going to come too close to the sides & risk burning some wood...I doubt a cfl can do it, but we all know that's my biggest paranoia. Jorge Cervante prefers hanging cfl's vertically, but how do you feel about making it into a t adapter...two lights horizontally and one light in center vertically, somewhat of a cross joint so to speak, and then having two sets of those. 6 lights, and 1-circular...or I can use my y adapters, and have 4 bulbs (2 per socket) and the center circular..its either 260 watts plus circular = 292 or its 422 with total lights (6+circular) depending on which way I decide to go. I think for the 3x3 bottle formation, 292 should be plenty & I can actually veg the one in a 5 gallon bucket with other lights & pick up a few more today. Thoughts...


Active Member
regardless of anyone's CANNOT get anything but cfl & incandescent bulbs here...Not at any hardware store within 30 miles at least. I've checked them all. We have ace hardware, true value, and home depot. All privately owned as well & the closest thing you get to hps lighting would be a cfl or a lit up door bell. It's baddddddd