CFL grow 4th time around (PICS) CHECK IT OUT


Well-Known Member
i aint talking crap penny just joking around u know.
everyone helps when ever they can u know that :0)~


Well-Known Member
cuase of my parents i dont have alot going i have that 1 4 incher and like 3 sprouts and some more coming too just dont want to hear thier mouth about so 28 too
and i still hear it lol
and ya i watered it with the nutes mixex and i put that reflective shit up there too
it seems to me when i shut the lights off at night for a certain time that the plant likes it better.rather then being on all night.
so u said ur going to induse flowering on that plant of urs thats 15 days old?


Well-Known Member
Ya bro, at 3 weeks they should be 8 inches and that should be fine. I want this shit to be cured before 2 months, because I'm leaving this lame ass state ( north carolina ) in 2 months.


Well-Known Member
ur moving far? what stae maybe u might be near me?
ya i aint going to have my plant that big either.
cuase i know even if i did that 8 inches by time its done flowering its going to be alot bigger then that.and that should be good enough for me until the next one
im just going to put the havest away till i could have it
by that time im going to have a bunch to play with :0) court probs :0)~


Well-Known Member
na i could get one anytime i just dont really need it now im always home
i do pca here to so i really never leave unless i go to the store for something u know
but when time to flower i might get one if i have probs keeping tract of time but if i dont i wont get it u know


Well-Known Member
Thats wuts up bro,. I bought one earlier in the veg and and then decided to have my lights sent here. So, now the timer I have does not have a ground and my lights will need a ground. If I just keep on with cfls I would have been straight, but I got inpatient and wanted my lights.


Well-Known Member
ya i remember
when u wanted ur wife to send them down ya i remember lol
u should of stayed cant u just put the cfl's back and use them for now?


Well-Known Member
I am going to use cfl until I get them. I might use the cfls for the sides though. I am also going to need to buy another fuckin timer.


Well-Known Member
im talking about the timer.
and ya the cfl's are dumb cheap thats why i use them
in another week im going to get a couple equavalent to 300w cfl bright white bulbs
those are going to be sweet


Well-Known Member
ya i think so
but im going to get a bunch of them
i asked the guy at lowes and he said those ones they had were brite white
so i was happy they should be better then the 100 w ones right?


Well-Known Member
They should be better, but the ones I got from Lowes are 65 watt soft white good for flowering. I did not see any 65 watt daylight?