cfl for flowering


Well-Known Member
i was thinking about maybe adding some cfls to my setup to illuminate the lower bud sites. I'm about a month into my flowering stage...using HPS 400W. question: can you even use cfl for flowering? and if so, what kind? I want to keep with the red spectrum I've been using with the HPS. thanks.

Dr G.Thumb

Well-Known Member
Sure you can use CFL's to flower. Results will vary vs the HPS but they still work and can definantly be used for some side lighting without any issues...

Search around, theirs quite a few people flowering with just CFL's and are getting some real decent results.

As for Red spectrum, 2700K bulbs will be as close as you get.


Well-Known Member
well they don't really sell premade outlet things. but a cfl bulb thats 30 watts will run you 6-8 bucks, socket s on the other hand are trickier. if you are good at wiring you can get a cheap one or two bulb socket for 3 bucks and grab a cheap extension cord , cut it and wire your self other wise i dont know man.


Well-Known Member
k. it's been a while since "shop class." guess I'm gona have to do a little research...fuck that. I'll just bat my eyelashes at the guys in home depot and see if they can't help me figure things out ;-)


Active Member

get the bulbs....they are 26 or 27 watt...eq. to 100 watt GE Compact Floros. i got 4 of them for $7.89. They are 1750 lumens a piece and are 2700k temp...perfect for flowering.

get the sockets at wally world too....$1.26 a piece. Wire them bitches up and make yourself a reflector and you'll be grand.


Well-Known Member

get the bulbs....they are 26 or 27 watt...eq. to 100 watt GE Compact Floros. i got 4 of them for $7.89. They are 1750 lumens a piece and are 2700k temp...perfect for flowering.

get the sockets at wally world too....$1.26 a piece. Wire them bitches up and make yourself a reflector and you'll be grand.
The 100w CFL is an e40 socket right? If it is, where is a place to get one and when you say wire 'em up, is it similar to wiring CPU fans to 12v? Just trying to get some basic electrician info so when I make my own stealth setup I know what exactly to do. I'm using a 90w CFL (e40 socket I think) I can't find the damn socket or fixture.


Active Member
Any home depot or wall mart will have all you need. Also if you don't feel like doing the wiring and can shell out an extra 2.50 you can get a light socket adapter that will plug straight in to an extension cord.


Active Member
I'm not certain but I'm pretty doubtful they would have it. Any aquarium store or hydro shop will have them though.