So this is my first real attempt at a grow. I'm doing this grow for experience so if they die it's whatever, but lets hope not
. That's why I've decided to make a Journal anyone can post here; all your ideas and experience/advice are welcomed.
So lets get started:

I built my cab from plywood just so none of the apartment maintenance will see whats going on. It's 2x2x4. It has holes for intake and exhaust I haven't gotten any fans yet(poor). I'll have an exhaust and a DIY Carbon Filter by the time they start smelling. It has insulation from the skirting of a mobile home and a black/white tarp over that for reflection.

I'll be using CFLs right now I only have 2 26watt my other 2 broke so I'll be getting more. Eventually I want a 250w HPS.

I'm using a DWC with some tuperware, spray painted the bottoms. Each hold 3 plants. I only have 2 at the moment but plan on getting 2 more and a perpetual grow going eventually. I'm growing from bagseed once I get some experience in and better lightning I'll order some better seeds. I have 3 plants 1 about 4 days older then the other 2 and 1 seed that's still germinating. I just switched to 18/6 today.

So now that that's done here's a few pics

I plan on putting something around the plants to block the light to the reservoir.

Kinda hard to tell but the stem on this one has some red, don't know why.


Update I guess.

Thanks foul, it still needs a lot of work though; go for it DWCs are pretty easy.

I got a new 150w HPS light. My plants have been under 12/12 for 2 weeks 1day now. One plant has shown white hairs the other two haven't so I'm going to wait a couple days to be sure, though they're probably males :(. They drink a lot more water now lol. The smell is starting to smell up my apartment but it's nice when you're going to sleep and it's right next to you, I plan on getting some fans and a DIY Carbon this weekend.

Here's my biggest one 5 days ago.

The plant on the left is the female I found.

Another shot
