CFL Dresser Grow (stealth) - Auto Assassin, Auto Blue Himalaya


Active Member
so I had a bit of a paranoid moment and I lost both of my assassins. I was blown when I hear a knock on the door. I look outside the peephole and what I see is a police officer and the office manager.... I'm like FUCK!.. I run to plants and throw them in a black plastic trashbag and toss em out the window.. I don't know why I automatically thought to get rid of the plants but thats what came to.. the entiere time it was just like fuck fuck fuck..

Luckily i was hittin up the bong so the smell wasn't too bad.. I open the door and its the fuckin maintenance man and the airconditioning guy!!!! so i wait till they leave which was all of 5 min to change out a filter and unclog a drain they clogged near the air conditioning unit..

i go get my plants and the oldest assassin is crushed, turned over and completely out of its pot.. the other assassin had a broken main stem... the blue himalaya was unharmed and landed upright! so..... i'm now down to 1 plant... to top it all off, i'm moving in a month so I might have just enough time to harvest this one.. don't know when my next grow will happen but this little state of paranoia on my part fuckin sucked ballz!


Active Member
mate i feel for you as they were looking so nice. Can you not do a bit of surgery as I grew one outside and had the main stem split but managed to save it by tapping it together ?


Active Member
Unfortunately, my I had to leave town unexpectedly and ended up being gone 4 days. When I got home, she was dead.. little red hairs all over.her.buds. I watered her and tried to revive her but no luck. I chopped her down and trimmed her up and.hung her to.dry.. gonna get maybe a gram. I lost my job and had to move back home so no grows for awhile..


Active Member
no updates?? hate to bring this back up but id like to see what happend
This grow was cut short due to the fact that I lost my job and killed my plants as stated a few posts up.

I am starting a new grow with 1 plant and a new stealth speaker cabinet I'm building which should be done within a couple of weeks as funds are tight and I need a couple of things... ;)