CFL Day 43 Flowering - Advice/Questions (PICS!!)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, its been a while since I've posted anything. I'm still truckin on my closet CFL grow, quite impressed as is.

For those of you who are not aware of my grow, my last update can be found here:

Now, as for this update...a few questions.

1. I haven't ordered a microscope yet, I might try just for 70% red hairs. Should I bother with ordering one online now, or can it wait and I still harvest at a good time?

2. None of my leaves are yellow yet, wtf? Is this normal, im at 6weeks so only 2 more weeks left approx...

3. Any other suggestions that I should be doing?

I've flushed the pot the last two waterings and will continue to do so until the end...thats pretty much it.

Thats all for now, folks.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
looks good.

You have more than 2 weeks to go though, IMO.

Get a magnifier or a jewler's loupe...Ebay or Radio Shack. DON'T harvest on HAIR/PISTL color...harvest only on the color of the trichomes. Otherwise, I'll guarantee you'll take her down TOO EARLY.

Leaves should start to yellow soon as the nitrogen leaves the medium.plant.

Nothing else need be done..just hang on and keep the temptation to chop at bay until it is TRULY time to do so.

good luck

bt dt