CFL Closet grow

Hi, im new to the site and growing but i thought i would share what i have going so far. I recently re-did my grow box and went from only 2 26w cfls to 5 (6500k) and noticed much better growth after only 2 days. I have one seedlin that is a week old and the others have been in soil 3-4 days. The week old one really took off over the weekend. These are just bag seeds that myself and a buddy had, hopefully they will produce some decent bud as i usually try to smoke the best i can find around here.

I need to get the box finished in some reflective material and get an intake/exhuast setup. I also plan on putting in some splitters and running a min of 260w and possibly more if i order some high wat bulbs.

Right now i just got them in MG soil but when i transplant to their next pot i will transition them into something better.

Any tips or suggestions are more then welcome! Im new to this but trying to learn as much as i can


Thanks for stopping by and offering some advice, much appreciated.

Looks good. You are going to want more light if all of those are female.
They are just bag seeds and not feminized. I still plan on increacing the lighting regardless of how many female turn out. I will most like run splitters in the sockets and run 10 lights possibly a couple more on the sides for better foliage coverage. What would be a good total cfl Wattage for 2-5 plants? (adjust accordingly to # of plants)

Lookin good, just get rid of those clear cups since the lights aren't really good for the roots. When do you plan on transplanting?
Ill get rid of them later today when i go out. I have been thinking of transplanting somewhere around 2-3 weeks. What do you think? i want to transition them into better soil when i do, is there any chance that they will experience a lot of stress from swtiching soils? They are in MG right now.

Looks good, you might wanna wrap those clear cups in something to protect the roots from the light, but other than that, looks promising.
Im on it!


Well-Known Member
As long as your roots have a good foundation before you try to transplant, and you don't feed them any nutes at all while you have that mg soil.......then everything should go fine when the transplant comes around. Your plants might experience a little shock, but if you let them get big enough before you transplant, they'll easily be able to shrug it off. So for now just wrap the cups with electrical tape or w/e, and just don't jump the gun on transplanting and they'll be aight :-)
Got the cups taped up! I dont plan on any nutes til transplant, although i did just get some ordered today. As well as some fans for intake/exhaust and some reflective lining.

Thanks for the advice BDCOOk, i appreciate any help i can get right now! +rep
Just added a few things to my box and thought i'd post an update.

I got some reflective material and lined the sides of the box with it, brighten up nicely.
Got two pc fan thati ordered, only one wired in right now. I need to find a cord to run it to a plug in.

Other than that, i got some nutes boughten, just have to wait to get them out of MG so i can use them. Took a couple pictures, here you go!

