CFL closet grow


Active Member
alright so ive got four seeds fresh in the soil. i planted them yesterday and they've already broken ground. the seeds are what i believe to be purp... just some old seeds i had lying around. ive got them under 2 42 watt cfls. my ultimate goal is to keep just one or two but ill grow all four out for a bit to see gender/how well they grow.

ive done some 'experimental grows' before, but this is the first semi-legit attempt... so comments/suggestions are welcomed.



Active Member

i planted these girls on the 17th, so they're about 4 day old. I've been watering them with a spray bottle whenever i pass the closet they're in, so they stay a little moist all the time. They're all between an inch and a half to two inches and are staring to get their second set of leaves. Given I'm using cfls, i was thinking about flowering in 2-3 weeks. Any thoughts/suggestions?



Active Member
i was thinkin somewhere around 3 feet... i've got quite a few smaller (13 and 23 watt) cfls to add on later for the lower branches. i dont want a behemoth that needs 20+ bulbs to be happy, but i also dont want a dinky little shite.


Active Member
Just keep the bud sites happy. Hey 20+ for one plant ??? If you want a 3 footer get a hps then. or your gonna end up hanging cfl's all around that damn thing. Unless you want a tall skinny female. I like mine short and thick.

Good luck dude cant wait to see this in action


Active Member
thanks jr. i just looked at your grow and those look great... you werent lying about short and thick. how long did you veg those for? and under what light?


Active Member
i know i updated yesterday, but they're doing work so i figured why not. i added a fan to my setup. i dont have a thermometer yet so i dont know the temp, but i figure it cant hurt. i also checked the ph of my water and im between 6.5 and 6.8. the first picture is of the same plant i took an individual picture of yesterday, so you can see how much its grown. the second picture is obviously of all four plants. the plants in the top right and bottom left are slightly (like 1/8 inch) closer to the light than the other two are, which is apparently a huge difference because theyre growing much faster. and im still trying to decide when to start flowering, so if youve got any thoughts...

also, i cant decide if ill keep one or two plants. how much light do you think an individual plant will need?



Well-Known Member
4 plants right?? if so 2x 23w cfls would do fine for 1 plant so u need atleast 8 cfls 23 wats, for all 4 , this is minimal


Well-Known Member
Are you planning on using any nutes? Do you have to worry about odor issues? Do you have the dimensions of your grow area? Haha. Enough with the questions. Looking good so far... further than I've ever been able to get... Good luck!


Active Member
Thanks dave. I'll keep that in mind when I decide how many to keep.

Preesh Johnny. I'll probably start nutes when I start flower. I'm still undecided as to what I'm going to use though. And no, I have no problem smelling my girls all over my house! Theyre in a coat closet, so its roughly 4'x4'

still havent decided when to start flower so any insight would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If you can get the cfl's to support it I would say grow them until they are about 15" - 18" and nice and bushy. Then flower them and pray for females! Do you have a thermometer/hydrometer in there?


Active Member
ok so i was out of town this weekend so the plants didnt get quite as much water as they would have liked... the best plant (the one ive been posting pictures of) is the only one showing signs of distress though. the leaves are curling a little and theres some yellowing on the first leaf set. (picture 1) as for that nothing too exciting or new... they seem to be pretty happy. ill be able to give you guys a temp/humidity later this week. enjoy!

the first picture is the plant on the far right of the last picture, the second picture is the second from the right, etc



Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using?! The yellow spot are definitely from a nute problem. And the curling is maybe a mix of nutes and heat issues? Do you have a hydrometer in there?


Active Member
theyre in MG right now... the yellowing looks a little like a nitrogen deficiency but the soil should still be giving the plants nutes. at least thats what i was hoping. and it could be a temp/humidity problem. the bowl of water i had in there to help with humidity was empty when i got back and those 2 42 watters can get pretty warm. ive got a fan on them but i guess it wasnt enough. and ill have a therm/hydrometer later this week when the pay check comes... being a poor college kids makes my plants suffer.

needless to say, i wont be leaving them in my roommates care again any time soon...


Well-Known Member
Haha. Yea being a poor dropout unemployed living with your mom kid has stopped me from doing many things. I would try to get them in a better soil soon on payday. Maybe scotts (mized 7/3 scotts/perlite if you plan on using your own nutes?). Thanks for the pics! The more the better I can help! (I'd +rep but I don't know how...)


Active Member
Update?! Pics?!
Sorry Johnny... I had a test I had to study for. anyways, theyre doing ok. all four have some signs of possible nitrogen deficiency, but nothing too bad... just a few yellow spots on the lowest leaves. one plant is worse than the rest (pic 4&6), but i think itll be gravy. Ive got them on a 10-15-10 right now so hopefully that will fix things. I also moved the light up a bit (inch or so) just in case it was light burn (though the new growth is fine so i doubt it). Theyre still really short too (2-3 in) but already on their fourth leaf set... im afraid there wont be enough air flow around the plant if it stays that compact (last pic - thats chapstick). thoughts?

a buddy of mine just got some fem ice seeds in and wants me to scrap these and grow two of them... why must he tempt me to kill my babies?!? :cuss:

